Site icon Ian Khan, Top Rated Keynote Speaker, Tech Futurist, AI Expert. Powerful Stage Presence, Action Packed Motivator & Catalyst. Star of PrimeVideo "The Futurist

Top 10 Digital Public Services experts to follow

Jennifer Pahlka: The founder of Code for America, Jennifer advocates for simple and effective government services. Her organization partners with local governments to open-source technology, ensuring public services are available to all digitally.

Mike Bracken: Mike, the former Chief Officer for the UK Government, played an integral role in launching the Government Digital Service (GDS). His work has revolutionized the of digital public services in the UK.

Marina Nitze: Having worked at the U.S. Digital Service (USDS) and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Marina focuses on revamping old government systems. She believes in prioritizing the user experience in public service delivery.

Aman Bhandari: A health data expert, Aman has worked on enhancing digital public health services at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. His expertise lies in creating data- health policies and services.

Taavi Rõivas: Estonia's former Prime Minister and an advocate for e-governance, Rõivas played a pivotal role in making Estonia one of the world's digitally advanced countries. He champions transparency and efficiency digital governance.

Genevieve Gaudet: A designer and advocate for human-centered government services, Genevieve's work at Nava Public Benefit Corporation involves streamlining and simplifying access to public services like healthcare.

Dr. Julia Glidden: As Corporate Vice President for Microsoft Worldwide Public Sector, Julia works on developing global digital initiatives. She emphasizes the importance of technology in modernizing government operations.

Tim O'Reilly: A well-known figure in the tech world, Tim's advocacy for open-source and his work on ‘Government as a Platform' highlights the potential of collaborative public services that are innovative and user-centric.

Abhi Nemani: The Chief Data Officer of Los Angeles, Abhi's work revolves around making city operations transparent and efficient. He has been instrumental in developing apps that improve public access to city services.

Louise Downe: Heading the UK Government's Service Design community, Louise's work ensures that public services are built for user needs. She has been instrumental in setting design standards for government digital services.

Ian Khan
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