ManMohan S. Sodhi: A at Cass School, Dr. Sodhi has extensively researched supply chain risks, disruptions, and role of AI in supply chain efficiencies.

Lora Cecere: Founder of Supply Chain Insights, Cecere has been consistently providing thought on the convergence of AI, machine learning, and supply chain operations. Her research offers in-depth insights into the latest trends and challenges.

Dr. Alexis Bateman: As the of MIT Sustainable Supply Chains, Dr. Bateman focuses on sustainable supply chains, the circular economy, and how AI can be leveraged in logistics.

Guy Courtin: A recognized thought leader, Courtin's expertise lies at the intersection of retail and supply chain. He delves into AI's role in enhancing visibility, prediction, and operations in the supply chain.
Roberto Crippa: As the Director of Transformation at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Crippa has been steering the integration of AI and machine learning into logistics operations to optimize performance and reduce costs.

Dr. Michael Watson: An authority on supply chain optimization, Dr. Watson combines expertise in operations research and AI to develop cutting-edge solutions for the logistics industry.

Inna Kuznetsova: The CEO of 1010data, Kuznetsova has been a proponent of digitizing supply chains. Under her leadership, 1010data leverages AI to provide data-driven insights for the supply chain industry.

Randy V. Bradley: An assistant professor of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Bradley's research delves into the strategic application of business analytics and IT in the supply chain.

Jett McCandless: Founder and CEO of project44, McCandless is leading the way in advancing the digitization of the supply chain. With project44, he offers high-fidelity data and predictive analytics to logistics professionals.

Diego Pantoja-Navajas: As VP of WMS Cloud Development at Oracle, Pantoja-Navajas's work focuses on the adoption of cloud solutions, IoT, and AI to improve warehouse management and overall supply chain operations.

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Ian Khan
You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here