Top 10 Voice Search Optimization experts to follow

Duane Forrester – VP of Industry Insights, Yext: Forrester, with his rich experience in SEO and SEM, has delved deeply into voice search optimization. Recognizing the changing landscape of search, he frequently shares insights on optimizing voice-driven searches.

Dr. Pete Meyers – Marketing Scientist, Moz: Known for his data-driven insights, Dr. Meyers has been tracking and analyzing the emergence of voice search. His deep dives into Google's algorithm have benefited many trying to keep pace with voice search trends.

Purna Virji – Senior Manager of Global Engagement, Microsoft: A leading expert on digital marketing, Virji's and writings on the future of voice search and its implications for marketers a -follow.

John Lincoln – CEO of Ignite Visibility: Lincoln is an award-winning digital marketing expert. He's frequently recognized for his expert thoughts on voice search , particularly on how businesses can optimize for voice search.

Brian Dean – Founder of Backlinko: Known for his data-backed SEO strategies, Dean's comprehensive voice search guide is a testament to his expertise in the domain. It encapsulates the nuances of optimizing websites for voice searches.

Benu Aggarwal – Founder and , Milestone : Aggarwal has been a proponent of structured data and schema optimization, both of which are pivotal for voice search optimization. Her talks emphasize the importance of local SEO in the voice-first world.

Eric Enge – General Manager, Perficient Digital: An author and a regular speaker, Enge's insights into the technical aspects of voice search are profound. His research papers and case studies provide a deep understanding of the voice search landscape.

Cindy Krum – CEO, MobileMoxie: Krum's work on mobile SEO is renowned, and she's brilliantly integrated voice search optimization into this niche. Her tools and articles on mobile and voice search optimization are invaluable to digital marketers.

Bradley Metrock – CEO, Score Publishing: Metrock's expertise lies at the intersection of voice and publishing. His insights into optimizing content for voice search, especially for publishers, are unique and informative.

Stephan Spencer – Author, “The Art of SEO”: Spencer's is considered an SEO bible by many. His recent writings delve into the nuances of voice search, offering strategic advice on how brands can leverage this technology.

Top 10 Voice Assistants experts to follow

Adam Cheyer – Co-founder of Siri and Viv Labs: Before 's Siri became a household name, there was Adam Cheyer, one of its original creators. His influence in the voice assistant arena cannot be understated, and his more recent venture, Viv Labs, promises more innovations in the .

Brian Roemmele – Voice Commerce Expert: Often referred to as the “Oracle of Voice,” Roemmele has been a passionate advocate for voice technology for decades. His insights into how voice will shape commerce and human- interaction are enlightening.

Noelle LaCharite – Principal PM Manager for Applied AI at Microsoft: Focusing on Microsoft's Azure Cognitive Services, LaCharite has been at the forefront of making voice and more accessible to developers and businesses. Founders: Xuchen Yao and Guoguo Chen – Known for creating the open-source platform ChatFlow and the hotword detection system Snowboy,'s founders have significantly impacted the voice assistant development space. Their tools are utilized by many in the community.

Cathy Pearl – Head of Conversation Design Outreach at : A voice in designing human-computer conversational interactions, Pearl's work ensures voice assistants like Google Assistant remain user-friendly and natural to interact with.

Jan König – Co-founder of Jovo: König's Jovo is a popular open-source framework that allows developers to create voice apps for platforms like Alexa and Google Assistant. He's central to discussions about the future of cross-platform voice application development.

David Isbitski – Evangelist for Alexa and Echo at Amazon: A major figure at Amazon, Isbitski plays a significant role in advocating for and educating about Amazon's Alexa . His talks and presentations provide a deep dive into Alexa's capabilities and vision.

Tom Hewitson – CEO and Founder of Hewitson's company produces top voice apps for platforms like Alexa. As a leading voice app developer, his insights into the challenges and opportunities of the space are invaluable.

Dag Kittlaus – Co-founder and CEO of Viv Labs: Alongside Cheyer, Kittlaus has been a driving force behind Siri and later Viv, which aims to open up the ecosystem for third-party developers to create more intricate voice assistant functionalities.

Brad Abrams – Group Product Manager for the Google Assistant: Abrams provides a behind-the-scenes look into the development and vision of the Google Assistant. His discussions often revolve around the technological advancements and potential of voice technology.

Top 10 Voice Search Optimization experts to follow

Dr. Pete Meyers: A marketing scientist at Moz, Meyers frequently publishes insights about the evolving search landscape, including the rise of voice search. analyses help businesses adapt to the rapidly changing search .

Purna Virji: As a senior manager of global engagement at Microsoft, Virji has offered a wealth of insights into voice search, , and AI-driven digital marketing. Her perspectives are invaluable for those aiming to leverage voice search in their strategies.

Brian Dean: The of Backlinko, Dean's expertise lies in SEO, with a particular emphasis on actionable strategies. His deep dives into voice search optimization provide businesses with practical tips to rank better.

John Lincoln: CEO of Ignite Visibility, Lincoln consistently shares insights on the latest trends in digital marketing, including voice search. His agency's research and case studies offer a hands-on look at effective voice search strategies.

Duane Forrester: With a history at both Microsoft and Yext, Forrester's provides him with a unique perspective on the of search, especially the shift voice-driven interactions.

Bridget Randolph: As a consultant and speaker, Randolph offers insights on mobile SEO and voice search. Her focus on the interplay between mobile optimization and voice search makes her a must- in the industry.

Mark Traphagen: Senior Director of Brand Evangelism at Perficient Digital, Traphagen often shares insights on the future of search, emphasizing the role of voice search in the changing landscape.

Eric Enge: As a general manager at Perficient Digital, Enge's expertise in SEO is well-respected. His research on voice search's impact on traditional search provides actionable insights for businesses.

Upasna Gautam (Uppi): With a background in cognitive neuroscience, Gautam offers a unique on search behaviors, including voice. Her knowledge brings a deeper understanding of user behavior in voice search.

Christi Olson: As the Head of Evangelism for Search at Microsoft, Olson's insights come straight from the forefront of voice search innovations. Her expertise helps businesses navigate the voice search landscape powered by AI like Cortana.

Top 10 Voice Assistants and Chatbots experts to follow

Ben Goertzel: CEO of SingularityNET and Scientist at Hanson Robotics, Goertzel is deeply involved in convergence of AI and conversational agents. He played a role in the development of Sophia, the humanoid robot.

Tomasz Tunguz: A venture capitalist at Redpoint, Tunguz often insightful analyses on the business impact of chatbots, exploring their roles in enhancing experiences and operational efficiencies.

Bret Kinsella: Founder of, Kinsella provides detailed reports and analyses on the voice and chatbot industry, its growth, innovations, and future trends.

Katie McMahon: As VP and GM at SoundHound Inc., McMahon's insights into voice-enabled AI technologies are influential, especially regarding the integration of voice assistants in various devices and platforms.

Cathy Pearl: Head of Conversation Design Outreach at Google, Pearl is a figure in making voice assistants more natural and user-centric. Her book, “Designing Voice User Interfaces,” is a must-read in the field.

Dennis Mortensen: Founder of, an AI-driven personal assistant, Mortensen's expertise lies in automating complex tasks using chatbots and offers valuable insights into real-world AI deployment.

Lauren Kunze: CEO of PandoraBots, a platform powering millions of chatbots, Kunze's thoughts encompass both the technical and philosophical aspects of chatbot interactions.

Karen Kaushansky: With two decades of experience in voice and multimodal interfaces, Kaushansky offers a deep dive into the design and UX of conversational agents.

Ravi N. Raj: As the CEO and co-founder of Passage AI, Raj is at the forefront of leveraging NLP in natural and efficient chatbots, exploring their business and potential.

Dave Isbitski: As Chief Evangelist for Alexa and Echo at , Isbitski is deeply immersed in the world of voice-first experiences, sharing insights on Alexa skill development and the future of voice tech.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here