Top 10 Computer Vision experts to follow

Dr. Fei-Fei Li: A professor at Stanford Dr. Li co-led the creation of ImageNet, a massive visual dataset that significantly deep in vision. She's also the co-director of Stanford's Human-Centered AI Institute and founder of AI4ALL, promoting diversity in AI.

Dr. Yann LeCun: As a AI Scientist at Facebook and a professor at NYU, LeCun's contributions to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been pivotal. His work has laid the foundation for many modern computer vision applications.

Dr. Jitendra Malik: Affectionately called the “Godfather of Computer Vision,” Malik's work at UC Berkeley has spanned several areas, including object and 3D reconstruction. His papers have been foundational texts for students and researchers.

Dr. Andrew Zisserman: Based at the University of Oxford, Zisserman's expertise in multiple-view geometry and deep learning for vision has influenced countless projects and applications, from 3D scene understanding to video search.

Dr. Alexei Efros: Also at UC Berkeley, Dr. Efros explores the blend of computer graphics computer vision. His work on texture synthesis, image translation, and unpaired image-to-image translation CycleGANs is renowned.

Dr. Antonio Torralba: As a professor at MIT and director of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Torralba's research interests encompass computer vision, machine learning, and human visual perception, bringing a holistic perspective to vision problems.

Dr. Kristen Grauman: Located at the University of Texas, Austin, Grauman's work has delved into object recognition and scene understanding. Her more recent research also explores the potentials of first-person or “egocentric” vision systems.

Dr. Silvio Savarese: A professor at Stanford, Dr. Savarese specializes in computer vision and robotics. His work focuses on visual learning, including how machines perceive, interpret, and interact with the .

Dr. Abhinav Gupta: Associated with Facebook AI Research and CMU, Gupta's research bridges computer vision, robotics, and machine learning. His work often revolves around the understanding of visual data in relation to physical properties and interactions.

Dr. Olga Russakovsky: An assistant professor at Princeton, Dr. Russakovsky played a vital role in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. Her focus on democratizing AI and ensuring fairness and inclusivity in AI/Computer Vision has made her out.

Top 10 Computer Vision experts to follow

Dr. Fei-Fei Li: Co-director of Stanford's Human-Centered Institute, Li co-developed ImageNet, the dataset significantly machine vision deep learning. Her work has set standards in object detection and image classification.

Dr. Geoffrey : While renowned his deep learning contributions, Hinton's algorithms form the backbone of many computer vision advancements. His work at Brain, especially on neural network architectures, has influenced image recognition profoundly.

Dr. Yann LeCun: A pioneer in convolutional neural networks (CNNs), LeCun's early work laid the foundation for many current computer vision applications. As Facebook's Chief AI Scientist, he continues to influence the domain.

Dr. Andrew Zisserman: Based at the University of Oxford, Zisserman's on multi-view geometry and deep learning for visual recognition has been pivotal for 3D object recognition and video analysis.

Dr. Jitendra Malik: A professor at UC Berkeley, Malik's work on image segmentation, texture, and object recognition has influenced a broad range of computer vision areas. His research has been foundational for natural images.

Dr. Alexei Efros: Collaborating frequently with Malik, Efros, also at UC Berkeley, delves deep into areas like image synthesis, deep learning-based image generation, and understanding visual data via unsupervised learning.

Dr. Antonio Torralba: As a professor at MIT, Torralba's work spans object recognition, scene recognition, and contextual models, exploring context influences image interpretation.

Dr. Silvio Savarese: At Stanford, Savarese focuses on holistic scene understanding, considering how individual elements (like objects and actions) interact and shape the overall perception of visual data.

Dr. Olga Russakovsky: Known for promoting diversity in AI, Russakovsky, a professor at Princeton, also made significant contributions to ImageNet. Her research addresses challenges in object detection, image generation, and human-machine collaboration.

Dr. Serge Belongie: A professor at Cornell Tech and Cornell University, Belongie's work on invariant descriptor methods for object recognition and bird species identification has been particularly influential, showcasing computer vision's diverse applications.

Cnn’s Global Gateway Vision In The Desert Features Technology Futurist Ian Khan

I recently had the opportunity of working with CNN's team in the Middle East on their latest episode of Gateway – Vision in the Desert. This episode covers key initiatives within Dubai and how this desert nation plans to be a dominant force in enabling value through technology. In specific Blockchain is a big focus in Dubai and the of Dubai plans to go 100% Blockchain by 2020. We spoke about Blockchain, Innovation within the Transportation Sector and many other interesting about to happen in Dubai.

Watch the Episode Here

One of the significant challenges the Middle East faces right now is the ability to move away form Oil dependency and enter an era of economies powered by sectors. Dubai in this regard has been pushing the ideology to the “First to” market approach and to be fair has been quite successful. For me stands out when it comes to Dubai is the ability of the leadership to acknowledge and address a growth challenge in a manner we do not anywhere.

Among some of the other initiatives I have been recently part of in Dubai have been the Annual Investment Meeting 2017, AIM Startups 2017, GITEX and others. Some of the notable and must attend conferences in 2018 definitely include Future Energy Week in Abu Dhabi. Prestel Family Business Conference 2018, Annual Investment Meeting 2018, Future Cities 2018, Dubai Health Forum 2018, IoTx2018, Blockchain 2018 and many more.There is definitely a lot of market activity from investments to technology and healthcare to every other sector brimming with activity.

Watch the clip from CNN's Global gateway here and continue the conversation about how technology enable different outcomes for us.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here