Top 10 Video Streaming Services experts to follow

Matthew Ball – Often referred to as a “media prophet,” Ball's insights on streaming platforms, particularly in the context of TV and movie industry dynamics, are deeply insightful. His essays delve into the strategic implications of decisions made by services like Netflix and Disney+.

Julia Alexander – A reporter at The Verge, Julia specializes in streaming services and their cultural implications. From the rise of Netflix originals to the strategies of newer platforms like TV+, she provides in-depth .

Peter Kafka – As the senior correspondent for Recode, Peter frequently interviews major players in the streaming world on his podcast “Recode Media.” He offers a balanced view of the industry, analyzing both business strategies and content offerings.

Tim Westcott – As the director of research and analysis for Omdia's channels and programming , Tim's insights into global streaming trends, especially in the context of broadcast television, are invaluable. He often discusses how traditional TV interacts with the new streaming-first world.

Ashley Rodriguez – Writing for Quartz, Ashley delves into the business strategies of leading streaming platforms. Her articles frequently explore the behind specific content decisions and their wider implications.

Andrew Wallenstein – As the Chief Media Analyst for Variety, Andrew provides a detailed look into both the economic and cultural impacts of streaming platforms. His take on emerging trends, from international content acquisitions to platform-specific behaviors, is always keenly observed.

Sarah Perez – A senior writer for TechCrunch, Sarah's expertise lies in the intersection of technology and . She provides regular updates on platform innovations, user interface changes, and other tech-related aspects of streaming services.

Lucas Shaw – Writing for Bloomberg, Lucas offers a business-centric view of streaming services. He frequently breaks stories on platform subscription numbers, content costs, and other financial details that other reporters might overlook.

Antonia Hickey – Focusing on the user experience aspect of streaming, Antonia often reviews platform interfaces, content discoverability, and other features that directly impact viewers. Her insights are essential for what makes a streaming service user-friendly.

Janko Roettgers – With deep expertise in the technical side of streaming, Janko's articles often explore the underlying technologies that power these platforms. From compression algorithms to networks, he sheds light on the “how” of streaming.

Top 10 Volumetric Video experts to follow

Steve Sullivan: As the General Manager of the Microsoft Mixed Studios, Sullivan has been at the forefront of high-quality volumetric 3D content. His work empowers storytellers to produce experiences using holographic computing.

Sarah Vick: As Head of Intel Studios, Vick oversees the 's largest volumetric video stage. Intel Studios is pioneering in crafting volumetric narratives and experiences, pushing the limits of immersive media.

Dirk Van Welden: The visionary behind Space Pirate Trainer, Van Welden has shown a keen interest in integrating volumetric video into VR gaming, making gaming experiences more immersive and realistic.

Sabinije Von Gaffke: A leading voice in the immersive tech space, Gaffke actively explores how volumetric video can intersect with areas XR, AI, and gaming, hosting key events and discussions.

Debevec: A senior scientist at Google VR, Debevec's techniques for image-based modeling and rendering form the basis for several volumetric and light field video endeavors. His work, including the Light Stage systems, has been influential in Hollywood visual effects.

Jesse Vander Does: As the CTO of 8i, Vander Does has been instrumental in creating technology that allows for the transformation of video from 2D to holographic 3D content, making it usable in AR and VR environments.

Christina Heller: Co-founder and CEO of Metastage, Heller provides tools and platforms for capturing human performances volumetrically. Metastage is known for producing crisp volumetric captures that are easily integrated into AR, VR, or flat-screen applications.

Jason Waskey: As Studio Manager at Microsoft Mixed Reality Capture Studios, Waskey plays a pivotal role in driving volumetric video projects that are advancing how audiences experience digital content.

Oliver Kibblewhite: Representing Rewind, a company that crafts , Kibblewhite often speaks on the potential and challenges of volumetric video in storytelling.

Ana Serrano: Chief Digital Officer at the Canadian Film Centre, Serrano's expertise extends to how new technologies, including volumetric video, can storytelling and user interaction in the digital space.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here