Top 10 Autonomous Vehicles experts to follow

Chris Urmson – One of the pioneering figures in self-driving technology, Urmson led Google's autonomous car project (now Waymo) for several years. He co-founded Aurora, a company focused on developing autonomous driving technology, which has drawn attention for its innovative solutions.

Dr. Gill Pratt – Serving as the CEO of Toyota Research Institute, Dr. Pratt oversees Toyota's substantial investments and research into autonomous vehicles. With his rich history in robotics and deep , he's helping steer Toyota's path into the of transportation.

Aicha Evans – As the CEO of Zoox, a subsidiary of Amazon, Evans leads the company in its quest to develop a bidirectional autonomous vehicle. Under her guidance, Zoox unveiled its fully functional, electric autonomous vehicle designed for dense urban environments.

Kyle Vogt – Co-founder and CTO of Cruise, Vogt has been instrumental in positioning the company as a major player in autonomous vehicle technology. Backed by General Motors, Cruise aims to launch an autonomous taxi service.

Raj Rajkumar – A professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Rajkumar is a recognized leader in autonomous vehicle research. He co-directs the GM-CMU Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research Lab and offers critical insights on the challenges and potentials of the technology.

Bryan Salesky – Leading Argo AI with a to make self-driving cars a reality, Salesky's background includes working on the Google self-driving car project. Argo AI, backed by Ford and Volkswagen, is the development and commercial deployment of autonomous vehicles.

Wayne Cunningham – As the Roadshow editor for CNET, Cunningham frequently provides updates, reviews, and insights on the autonomous vehicle industry, covering breakthroughs, challenges, and the broader implications of the technology.

Dr. – As the of the Computer Science and Artificial Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT, Dr. Rus is deeply involved in research that intersects robotics, AI, and autonomous vehicles, exploring the frontiers of self-driving technologies.

Tim Kentley-Klay – Co-founder of Zoox, Kentley-Klay has been a visionary voice in the autonomous vehicle , emphasizing the need for a shift in how we think about transportation, especially in urban environments.

Missy Cummings – A professor at Duke University, Dr. Cummings, one of the U.S. Navy's first female fighter pilots, now researches -unmanned vehicle interaction and human-autonomous system collaboration, providing critical insights into how humans and autonomous systems coexist.

Top 10 Electric Vehicles experts to follow

Elon Musk – No list on electric vehicles (EVs) would be complete without mentioning the CEO of Tesla. Musk's ambitious vision and relentless drive have made Tesla synonymous with electric cars, pushing innovations and setting standards.

Chelsea Sexton – An electric car advocate and advisor, Sexton gained fame from the documentary “Who Killed the Electric Car?” She continues to champion EV adoption, infrastructure development, and policy advancement.

JB Straubel – The co-founder and former CTO of Tesla, Straubel was instrumental in the development of the Roadster, Model S, Model X, and Model 3. He's now focusing on battery and recycling at startup, Redwood Materials.

Sandy Munro – As the CEO of Munro & Associates, he's known detailed teardowns and analysis of vehicles. Munro's insights on electric vehicle design, especially Tesla's innovations, are highly regarded in the automotive community.

Zac & Jesse – This duo hosts the YouTube channel “Now You Know,” covering related to electric vehicles, sustainable energy, and technological advancements. Their comprehensive weekly Tesla news segment is particularly popular among EV enthusiasts.

Roger Atkins – A notable voice in the EV sector, Atkins discusses the broader implications of electric mobility, from environmental impacts to geopolitical shifts. He's a prominent speaker and commentator on battery and energy integration.

Christina Bu – As the Secretary General of the Norwegian EV Association, Bu has been pivotal in making Norway the leading country in EV adoption. Her insights on creating EV-friendly policies are invaluable.

Gali Russell – The man behind the “HyperChange” YouTube channel, Russell offers deep dives into EV trends, financial analysis, and future predictions. He's known for his bullish stance on Tesla and his insightful interviews with industry insiders.

Mark Kane – Editor at InsideEVs, Kane offers regular updates on global EV sales, emerging , and market trends. His provides a comprehensive view of where the electric vehicle market stands and where it's heading.

Tony Seba – A renowned futurist, Seba authored “Clean Disruption,” predicting the rapid decline of internal combustion engines in favor of EVs. His forecasts, based on technology cost curves and market dynamics, provide a macro perspective on the shift toward electric .

Top 10 Autonomous Vehicles experts to follow

Elon Musk: As CEO of Tesla, Musk constantly pushes the envelope in advancing autonomous driving technologies. Tesla's Autopilot is one of the most discussed debated) systems in the self-driving world.

Chris Urmson: Having led Google's self-driving car (now Waymo) several years, Urmson co-founded Aurora, a startup focused on developing autonomous driving technologies for several vehicle applications.

Anthony Levandowski: A controversial but undeniably influential figure, Levandowski has worked at Google's Waymo, co-founded Otto (acquired by Uber), and has been central to many discussions on autonomous vehicle technology.

Dr. Gill Pratt: As the CEO of the Toyota Institute, Pratt oversees the development of Toyota's autonomous vehicle technologies, with a keen focus on safety and integration with hybrid human-machine driving.

Lex Fridman: A researcher at MIT, Fridman's work revolves around human-machine interactions in the context of autonomous vehicles. He also hosts the Artificial Intelligence podcast, discussing related topics with leading experts.

Aurora Rosenberg: As the Head of Safety at Waymo, Rosenberg's insights into the safety protocols, testing, and rollout of autonomous technologies provide a comprehensive look into the challenges of launching self-driving cars on public .

Kyle Vogt: Co-founder and CTO of Cruise, acquired by General Motors, Vogt is at the forefront of integrating autonomous tech into mainstream vehicles, with a focus on environments.

Karina Popovich: Leading the Connect Robotics team, Popovich focuses on creating drones and autonomous vehicles for medical supply delivery, showcasing the humanitarian potential of autonomous tech.

Oliver Cameron: As the CEO of Voyage, a self-driving car startup, Cameron's expertise centers on deploying autonomous vehicles in specific environments, and campuses, as stepping stones towards broader applications.

Raquel Urtasun: Previously the Chief Scientist at Uber ATG, Urtasun has founded Waabi, an autonomous vehicle startup. With deep expertise in machine perception, she brings a unique to solving self-driving challenges.

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