Top 10 User Experience Design experts to follow

Don Norman – Often referred to as the father of UX, Don Norman coined the term “User Experience” while he was at Apple in the early '90s. Author of “The Design of Everyday Things”, his work has been foundational for anyone in the UX field. His concepts, like the Norman Doors, emphasize intuitive design and remain relevant today.

Jakob – A principal of the Nielsen Norman Group which he co-founded with Don Norman, Jakob Nielsen is often dubbed as the ‘king of usability'. His “heuristic evaluation” method has been a touchstone in UX evaluation, and he's published numerous books and articles on the subject.

Kim Goodwin – Author of the defining “Designing for the Digital Age”, Kim is a stalwart in the UX community. Her work largely revolves around integrating UX design into models, making them more user-centric.

Luke Wroblewski – A product director at Google, Luke is a key figure in the digital product design sphere. He's the author of “Mobile First”, which advocates for designing digital experiences for mobile before designing for desktop.

Jared Spool – The of User Interface Engineering, a leading research, , and firm, Jared's insights into usability and user experience are profound. He's a dynamic and has authored numerous articles and books on the topic.

Leah Buley – As the author of “The User Experience Team of ”, Leah's approach to UX is pragmatism and integrating UX practices into teams and businesses of all sizes.

Julie Zhuo – The former VP of Product Design at , Julie has been an influential voice in shaping the digital interfaces millions use daily. Her book “The Making of a Manager” provides insights into leadership in design roles.

Alan Cooper – Often called the “Father of Visual Basic”, Alan is the author of the classic book “About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design”. His thoughts on goal-directed design have shaped modern interface design principles.

Karen McGrane – With a focus on content strategy and user experience, Karen's expertise in making content work for mobile has made her a sought-after name in UX circles.

Steve Krug – His book “Don't Make Me Think” is a must-read for anyone in UX and web design. Steve's approach to usability testing and user-centric design is both insightful and actionable.

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