Top 10 Digital Twins in Urban Planning experts to follow

Dr. Michael Jansen: As the CEO of Cityzenith, Jansen is the use of digital technology for cities. His platform, SmartWorldPro, helps city planners visualize and predict urban scenarios with precision.

Dr. Steve Liang: A professor at the University of Calgary, Dr. Liang's research focuses on the of IoT and digital twin technologies, especially in the context of smart cities and urban planning.

Neil Thompson: Thompson, the Product Director of Digital Twin at Atkins, is at the forefront of integrating digital twin technology with sustainable urban development and .

Antoine Picon: A Harvard GSD faculty, Picon has written extensively about smart cities. He delves into the implications of digital technologies, including digital twins, on urban form and governance.

Michael Lee: As the Lead for Digital Twins at Lendlease, a multinational construction company, Lee's in embedding digital twin technologies in infrastructure projects is exemplary.

Dr. Federico Prandi: An expert at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Prandi's work encompasses urban digital twin , urban sustainability and resilience.

Dr. Burcin Becerik-Gerber: A professor at USC, her focus on building informatics and urban analytics incorporates digital twin technology to understand and predict urban systems behavior.

Professor AbdouMaliq Simone: At the Max Planck Institute, Simone delves into urbanism in the global south. His insights on digital twins could reshape urban planning in these regions are invaluable.

Dr. Tao Cheng: Stationed at UCL, Dr. Cheng's research in spatiotemporal analytics and artificial intelligence directly ties to digital twins' applications in urban environments.

Emma Stewart: As Autodesk's Director of Urban Systems, Stewart's work intersects with digital twin technologies, especially in urban infrastructure and sustainability.

Top 10 Digital Twins in Manufacturing experts to follow

Michael Grieves: Known as the “father of the digital twin,” Grieves first conceptualized the idea at the University of Michigan. His foundational work set the stage for the proliferation of digital twins in manufacturing and beyond.

Prof. Dimitris Kiritsis: A faculty at EPFL, Switzerland, Kiritsis specializes in sustainable manufacturing and has extensively researched how digital twins can optimize the production lifecycle, driving sustainability.

Dr. Venkatesh Agaram: A with extensive experience in aerospace and defense, Agaram has been a proponent for digital twin technologies, emphasizing their value in predictive maintenance and product lifecycle management.

Prof. Hoda ElMaraghy: Based at the University of Windsor, ElMaraghy's work on manufacturing is influential, particularly her insights on the integration of digital twins to enhance flexibility and adaptability in production systems.

Dr. Aric Rindfleisch: As the Executive Director of the Illinois MakerLab, Rindfleisch explores the intersection of and digital twin , highlighting the transformative potential for manufacturing.

Dr. Marco Taisch: Working at Politecnico di Milano, Taisch's on advanced and sustainable manufacturing dives deep into the role of digital twins in fostering manufacturing practices.

Prof. Jay Lee: At the University of Cincinnati, Lee's expertise in industrial big data and predictive analytics showcases the potential of digital twins in making manufacturing processes more data-driven and predictive.

Dr. Thomas Lange: A veteran in the field with ties to R&D departments of major corporations, Lange emphasizes the role of digital twins in streamlining product development and reducing time-to-market.

Prof. Alon Halevy: Operating out of the Paul G. Allen of & Engineering, Halevy's work on data integration has implications for digital twins, especially in synchronizing physical and virtual data streams in manufacturing.

Dr. Athulan Vijayaraghavan: As the CTO of System Insights, Vijayaraghavan focuses on data-driven manufacturing. His insights into leveraging digital twins for real-time monitoring and are groundbreaking.

Top 10 Digital Twins in Healthcare experts to follow

Keith Dreyer: A Harvard Medical School professor, Dreyer's work at the intersection of AI and medical imaging paved the way for twins that simulate patient-specific anatomies for diagnosis and treatment planning.

Dr. Leslie Saxon: The founder of the USC Center for Body Computing, Dr. Saxon has been innovative applications of digital twins in cardiology, particularly for remote patient monitoring.

Dr. Dean Sittig: With a focus on clinical informatics, Dr. Sittig at the University of Texas explores the of digital twins in personalized treatment plans and patient outcome predictions.

Dr. Tanja Kurz: Based at Fraunhofer Institute, Dr. Kurz has been instrumental in developing digital twin platforms that integrate patient with real- monitoring to optimize therapeutic strategies.

Dr. Michael Blum: As the Associate Vice Chancellor for Informatics at UCSF, Dr. Blum's endeavors in digital health initiatives often incorporate digital twin for better patient care and clinical outcomes.

Dr. Anthony Chang: At CHOC Children's, Dr. Chang's work in pediatric cardiology harnesses digital twins for simulating heart functions, providing insights into congenital heart diseases and potential interventions.

Dr. Walter Karlen: With a focus on mobile health at ETH Zurich, Dr. Karlen explores the integration of wearables with digital twins, enabling real-time health assessments and predictions.

Dr. Jamshid Dehmeshki: Leading innovations at Optellum, Dr. Dehmeshki utilizes digital twin technology for early diagnosis and treatment planning in lung diseases, particularly in the realm of oncology.

Dr. Patricia Florissi: As a global CTO at Dell, Dr. Florissi's vision for distributed data analytics often converges with digital twin technologies, exploring their potential in global health challenges and research.

Dr. Fei Wang: A professor at Cornell University, Dr. Wang's research on health informatics and AI has direct implications for digital twin applications in predictive healthcare and patient monitoring.

Top 10 Digital Twins experts to follow

Dr. Michael Grieves: Often referred to as the “father of the Twin concept,” Grieves first introduced the idea at the University of Michigan in 2002. His foundational work outlines the principles and benefits of digital twinning.

Thomas Kaiser: As SAP's Senior Director , Kaiser's work revolves around the application of digital twins in settings. He often sheds light on integrating digital twins other emerging technologies for business optimization.

Dr. Dean Bartles: With deep expertise in , Bartles, the President and of the National Center for Manufacturing and Machining, has emphasized the role of digital twins in reshaping modern manufacturing processes.

Dr. Dimitris Kiritsis: A at EPFL, Kiritsis is an advocate for Open IoT and Digital Twin frameworks. His research involves the lifecycle management of smart products and the application of digital twins in various industries.

Will Hastings: An analyst at ARC Advisory Group, Hastings covers the intersections of digital twins, PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), and design software, offering valuable market insights.

Dr. Tao Zhang: An IEEE Fellow, Zhang's extensive research on IoT and its applications has touched upon the significance of digital twins, especially in the context of and infrastructures.

Aaron Parrott: As a specialist leader at , Parrott's insights into the practical applications of digital twins, especially in supply chain and manufacturing, offer a comprehensive view of real-world implications and benefits.

Colin Parris: Vice President of GE Software Research, Parris leads initiatives that combine AI, machine learning, and digital twins to predict when machines in industrial settings need maintenance.

Richard Soley: Chairman and CEO of Object Management Group (OMG), Soley is an advocate for industrial applications of digital twins, focusing on standardizing technologies and processes around it.

Valérie Issarny: As a senior researcher at Inria, Issarny's work on distributed systems naturally extends to digital twins. She explores interoperability challenges and the role of digital twins in IoT ecosystems.

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