G7 Trump Vs Trudeau — how Uncontrollable Events Lead Us To Lose Control & 7 Steps To Get It Back !

If you have been watching the G7 conference you probably have seen the falling out between US President Trump and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin . While I am a technology futurist and a business speaker, I seldom get involved in politics or even comment on it. This however is analysis and the impact of how globally political disagreements are the destiny of ordinary people like you and me.

An average person dreams about just a few things. Happy family, money, retirement, good friends and good health. If this is not what you think usually, you should. Our countries, regions, and political outfits that govern who we dictate how we live, where we go and what we end up sometimes take the best of our time and energy.

The G7 summit in Canada was a great opportunity for world to come together and talk about things that are shaping the world. Be it a nuclear instability, world peace or helping kids go to school in countries where stability is a joke. Believe it or not, as an industry commentator, I look at various geopolitical forces that shape business decisions and help economies grow. Be it in the Middle East, Europe, Asia or back at home in North America. The way politicians make decisions affect how your tomorrow will be.

While you and I can do very little about what actually happens at the G7 summit or such as those, we can take over what we control, and shape our tomorrow based on what we think is the best way to move forward for us. The G7 was a catalyst in helping me think more deeply about how the world outside our control derails our life throwing it out of control.

Here are some common thoughts that can help you gain control of your life back, political fiasco or not.

1. Focus on Your Life — Take an inventory of the things you to do to be where you want to be. Identify your loopholes and gaps. Be real and be honest with yourself.

2. Stop living your life based on news — The news is happing all around us, it just is a matter of someone’s opinion what is important. Don’t live your life based on news, take in only what you need, what matters and what really matters. This not mean political situations are not important. They definitely are and yet you need to your battles when you can.

3. Ignore time wasters — Jobs, people, friends, neighbors, anyone who is wasting your time is probably not doing it intentionally. The problem is that your priorities are not straight. Take an inventory to where you are spending your time and who are the people with who you are spending the maximum time. You are practically the average of them all. Like it, keep it. Don’t like it, lose em.

4. Mind your time on media — Social or any media is a drain on time. Time is more precious than Unicorn blood. Wasting time is wasting your life. I don’t know how to make it clearer.

5. Live in the Present — have you ever lived in the present? Forget everything about the future and yesterday, living in the present moment can enhance the quality of your life. People, media and the news waste our time and stop us from living a meaningful life.

6. Be Intentional & Meaningful — When was the last time you did a mindful exercise of figuring out where your life was headed? Have you prioritized your goals, dreams, and realities? It’s time to do that or you may just be one more of us wandering in the maze looking for the next piece of cheese.

7. Don’t be afraid to Dream — If you have a dream and also have the courage to relentlessly pursue it, then you will make it reality. If you are affected by all the points above then it’s fruitless to dream because it may never happen. You must believe in yourself to the extent of holding yourself accountable for creating change. Do it !

There are many reasons for failure, some of which could be in the list above. You however only need one reason, one dream, and one goal to power yourself up and succeed. You have what it takes to succeed, and it’s just a matter of finding the resources to help you get there. Are you ready for a 2 week challenge to #1 to #7 and share your results?

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here