Top 10 Threat Intelligence experts to follow

Dmitri Alperovitch: Co-founder of CrowdStrike, Dmitri is a recognized expert in internet security and has shed light on major global cyber-espionage campaigns. He's frequently sourced in major media outlets and provides detailed analyses on nation-state cyber activities.

Brian Krebs: A renowned journalist in the cybersecurity world, Brian's blog, KrebsOnSecurity, has broken numerous stories on new vulnerabilities, cyber-criminal activities, and major breaches. His investigative journalism provides deep insights into the cyber-underworld.

Rick Holland: The CISO and VP of Strategy at Shadows, Rick's expertise extends from threat to digital risk protection. He's a regular at industry conferences, offering strategic insights into the evolving threat landscape.

Rebecca Brown: As the founder of the Threat Intelligence Network for Women and Director of Threat Intelligence at Rapid7, Rebecca contributes massively to the threat intel community, both in nurturing talent and dissecting emerging threats.

Robert M. Lee: A former U.S. Air Force Cyber Warfare Operations Officer, Robert is the CEO and founder of Dragos, Inc., specializing in industrial systems (ICS) threat intelligence. He's known for his expertise in analyzing and neutralizing threats to critical infrastructure.

Katie Nickels: As the ATT&CK Threat Intelligence Lead at MITRE and a SANS instructor, Katie's influence on operationalizing threat intelligence is profound. Her dedication to the community is evident her regular presentations and writings.

Stuart Solomon: Operating as the Chief Operating Officer of Recorded Future, Stuart frequently shares his deep knowledge about real-time threat analysis, the dark web, and the intricate relationships cyber threats and geopolitical activities.

Shawn Henry: The former Executive Assistant Director of the FBI and current CSO of CrowdStrike, Shawn offers a unique perspective on threat intelligence, merging his enforcement background cutting-edge cyber threat analysis.

Johannes Ullrich: As the head of the Internet Storm Center (ISC) and Dean of Research for the SANS Institute, Johannes' daily podcasts and writings essential for anyone seeking the latest on network security and vulnerabilities.

Christopher Ahlberg: The CEO and co-founder of Recorded Future, Christopher is an innovator in the world of threat intelligence. His company's work on visualizing threat intelligence and providing real-time risk analysis has set industry benchmarks.

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