Top 10 Decentralized Data Storage experts to follow

Juan Benet: As the founder of Protocol Labs, Benet developed the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a data storage and sharing system. His work focuses on reshaping data is stored and accessed globally.

Trent McConaghy: Founder of Ocean Protocol, McConaghy integrates AI with decentralized data solutions. His platform aims to unlock data, particularly AI, making it accessible without compromising on privacy.

Zooko Wilcox: The founder of Zcash and a significant figure in decentralized systems, Wilcox's insights into data privacy and security, combined with AI, are invaluable in reshaping how data is encrypted and stored.

Dominic Williams: As the president and chief scientist at DFINITY, Williams' efforts on the Internet Computer offer a decentralized computing environment where AI can be seamlessly integrated for more efficient data handling.

Dr. Gavin Wood: One of the co-founders of Ethereum and the founder of Polkadot, Dr. Wood's expertise in decentralized platforms offers a foundation for future AI integrations, particularly in secure and scalable data storage.

Eyal Amir: As CEO of Parknav, Amir combines AI with decentralized systems for real-time street parking solutions. His work highlights how AI can enhance decentralized data in practical, day-to-day applications.

Sergey Nazarov: Co-founder of Chainlink, a decentralized oracle , Nazarov's expertise ensures that real- data interfacing with blockchain (and AI processes) is accurate, secure, and reliable.

Gregory S. Colvin: An essential contributor to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Colvin's deep of decentralized computation provides insights into how AI processes can be decentralized and made more efficient.

Vincent Zhou: As a founding partner of FBG Capital, Zhou has invested in numerous projects at the intersection of AI and decentralized systems. His vision and understanding of the industry make him a thought leader in the integration of these .

Dr. Jutta Steiner: CEO of Parity Technologies, a core blockchain infrastructure company, Dr. Steiner's work revolves around creating secure and software foundations, which, when combined with AI, can lead to revolutionary data solutions.

Top 10 Decentralized Cloud Storage experts to follow

David Vorick – As the CEO and Co-founder of Nebulous Labs, Vorick is behind Sia, a leading decentralized cloud platform. Sia uses a blockchain to facilitate decentralized transactions between users and storage providers.

Storj Labs Team – Led by Ben Golub, the former CEO of Docker, Storj has emerged as a robust decentralized cloud storage solution. It cloud storage into an algorithmic market, running on a blockchain network.

Juan Benet – The founder of Protocol Labs, Benet is responsible for IPFS and Filecoin, aiming to create a faster, safer, and internet. Filecoin, in particular, offers a decentralized marketplace for storage services.

Gregory Rocco – Affiliated ConsenSys and the , Rocco's insights into decentralized technologies, including storage solutions, have been invaluable.

Arweave Team – Led by Sam Williams, Arweave offers a unique approach to permanent file storage. They've introduced a new type of storage that backs with sustainable and perpetual endowments.

Danny Zuckerman – As the co-founder of 3Box, Zuckerman has been working on Ethereum-based decentralized identity and data storage solutions, emphasizing user control and privacy.

Shawn Wilkinson – The founder of Storj, Wilkinson's vision was to create a more secure, private, and cost-effective solution to cloud storage by decentralizing it.

Elad Verbin – A notable blockchain scientist and investor, Verbin's insights into the evolving of decentralized technology, including storage solutions, have been highly enlightening.

Muneeb Ali – As the CEO of Blockstack, Ali has pioneered the development of the Blockstack decentralized computing network, which includes a decentralized storage system called Gaia.

Jeremiah Nichol – An active voice in the Ethereum , Nichol has discussed various projects, including those related to decentralized storage solutions, providing the community with in-depth reviews and insights.

Top 10 Carbon Capture and Storage experts to follow

Dr. Julio Friedmann – A senior research scholar at Columbia University's Center on Global Policy, Dr. Friedmann is a prominent advocate for carbon removal. He is renowned for his technical expertise and policy advocacy, emphasizing the need for CCS in achieving goals.

Dr. Jennifer Wilcox – Currently serving as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy, Dr. Wilcox's research revolves around the interplay CCS and its potential applications.

Dr. Howard Herzog – As a senior research engineer at MIT's Energy Initiative, Dr. Herzog has extensively studied the economic and environmental implications of CCS. His work is instrumental in understanding the practicality of carbon capture techniques.

Chris Consoli – A lead at the Global CCS Institute, Chris plays a crucial role in producing comprehensive reports that offer insights into the status and future potential of the carbon capture industry.

Dr. Sally Benson – Co-director of Stanford University's Precourt Institute for Energy, Dr. Benson's research is pivotal in understanding underground geological formations and their suitability for long-term CO2 storage.

Brad Page – As the CEO of the Global CCS Institute, Page oversees a plethora of projects aimed at accelerating the deployment and integration of CCS technology globally.

Nick Otter – A veteran in the field, Otter's expertise extends from the engineering aspects of CCS to its economic viability. His work at the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) in the UK has been especially influential.

Dr. David Keith – A professor at Harvard Dr. Keith's work revolves around the of climate , energy technology, and public policy. His ventures also include Carbon Engineering, a company focused on Direct Air Capture technology.

Klaus Lackner – Director of the Center for Negative Carbon at Arizona State University, Lackner's innovative ideas on ‘artificial trees' that absorb CO2 have garnered significant attention in the CCS .

Dr. Niall Mac Dowell – A researcher at Imperial College London, Dr. Mac Dowell's work encompasses both the technological aspects of CCS and its integration into the broader energy system.

Top 10 Advanced Energy Storage Systems experts to follow

M. Stanley Whittingham: Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019, Whittingham is recognized for foundational work in developing the lithium-ion battery. His contributions have shaped the current landscape of energy .

Dr. John B. Goodenough: Sharing the Nobel Prize with Whittingham, Goodenough's research enhanced the and efficiency of lithium-ion batteries, making them more suitable for various applications, including electric vehicles.

Dr. Yet-Ming Chiang: A professor at MIT, Chiang's work focuses on developing novel battery materials and designs. He has co-founded several companies, including A123 Systems and 24M, aim to commercialize advanced energy storage solutions.

Dr. Linda Nazar: Renowned for her work on solid-state electrolytes and advanced battery systems at the University of Waterloo, Nazar's research has great potential for the next generation of high-density energy storage.

Dr. George Crabtree: Leading the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR), Crabtree's work encompasses next-gen batteries, including beyond-lithium-ion systems, to meet future energy needs.

Prof. Peter Bruce: Based at the University of Oxford, Bruce's research on lithium- and lithium-sulfur batteries offers promising avenues for energy storage with energy density.

Dr. Venkat Viswanathan: An associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Viswanathan's work focuses on the intersection of electrochemistry, machine learning, and materials for advanced battery technologies.

Dr. Yi Cui: A Stanford University professor, Cui's extensive research encompasses next-gen battery technologies, from lithium-metal to water-in-salt electrolyte systems, striving for more and sustainable energy storage.

Dr. Kristin Persson: As the director of the Materials Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Persson utilizes advanced computational methods to discover new materials for energy storage applications.

Dr. Jeff Dahn: Working in collaboration with Tesla, Dahn's research at Dalhousie University aims to improve the lifespan and reliability of lithium-ion batteries, making them more viable for long-term applications like electric cars.

Top 10 DNA Data Storage experts to follow

George Church: A professor at Harvard and MIT, Church is a pioneer in the field of genetics and synthetic . His has explored the potential of DNA as a storage medium, aiming to harness incredible density for real-world applications.

Sriram Kosuri: A professor at UCLA, Kosuri's has been at the forefront of DNA data storage. He has demonstrated practical applications of encoding information in DNA sequences.

Nick Goldman: As a computational biologist at the European Bioinformatics Institute, Goldman introduced a seminal method for reliable storage and retrieval of digital information in DNA, sparking renewed interest in the field.

Yaniv Erlich: Known for multiple groundbreaking works in genetics, Erlich's research also delves into the intricacies of DNA storage, emphasizing encoding strategies and error-correction methods.

Luis Ceze: A professor at the University of Washington, Ceze's work has revolved around computer architecture and systems, and he's been instrumental in pushing DNA data storage as a promising avenue for future digital archives.

Karin Strauss: Affiliated with Microsoft Research and the University of Washington, Strauss has co-led efforts to design DNA storage systems, exploring techniques to make the reading and writing of DNA data both reliable and practical.

Olgica Milenkovic: A professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Milenkovic has made significant contributions to the coding behind DNA data storage, optimizing data density and retrieval accuracy.

Emily Leproust: As the CEO of Twist Bioscience, Leproust oversees the production of synthetic DNA for diverse applications, including DNA data storage, which the company is actively exploring in with academic researchers.

Robert Grass: Based at ETH Zurich, Grass's research has extensively covered the stability and preservation of DNA data storage, including encapsulation methods to ensure long-term data integrity.

Dina Zielinski: Previously at the New Genome Center and now working in the biotech , Zielinski co-authored a study with Yaniv Erlich that set a record for DNA data storage density, demonstrating its feasibility for large-scale applications.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here