Top 10 Shared Mobility Platforms experts to follow

Robin Chase – Co-founder of Zipcar, the world's largest car-sharing company, Chase has been at the forefront of shared mobility since its inception. Her vision and execution have redefined urban transportation. She often speaks about the potential of the “collaborative economy” in urban planning.

Emily Castor Warren – As a former senior at Lyft, Warren played a crucial role in pioneering rideshare as we know it. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between new mobility solutions and traditional public transportation.

Tony Douglas – As the Head of Strategy and Marketing for BMW's mobility services, Douglas has been instrumental in introducing shared mobility concepts, DriveNow, into the traditional automotive world.

Julia Thayne – Working Siemens Mobility, Thayne is a voice on urban development and the importance of sustainable transportation. She focuses on the integration of shared mobility into broader urban .

Susan Shaheen – A co-director at UC Berkeley's Transportation Sustainability Research Center, Dr. Shaheen's research revolves around next-generation public transportation, and she's an early researcher on the impacts of car-sharing.

Ryan Rzepecki – The CEO and founder of Social Bicycles (now JUMP Bikes, acquired by Uber), Rzepecki's approach to bike-sharing led to the introduction of dockless electric bikes, a new dimension to shared urban mobility.

Tim Papandreou – Previously at Google X's Waymo and Chief Innovation Officer at San Francisco's transportation agency, Papandreou is a leading voice in integrating autonomous vehicles into shared mobility services.

Holger Weiss – As the CEO of German Autolabs, Weiss is delving into the world of voice AI for the automotive industry. His insights on shared mobility touch on user in a world where the majority of urban residents might not own a car.

Megan Brockett – on shared mobility for Bloomberg, Brockett's analyses provide insights into the business and financial side of shared mobility, her a must-follow for industry trends and forecasts.

Anya Babbitt – The founder and CEO of SPLT, an -first carpooling app acquired by Bosch, Babbitt's platform emphasizes sustainable and efficient commuting for corporate employees.

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