Top 10 RPA (Robotic Process Automation) experts to follow

Leslie Joseph – Principal Analyst at Forrester Research: Leslie frequently provides insights into the transformative nature of and its future trends. His research helps organizations understand the potential of RPA and the best ways to incorporate it into their operations.

Sarah Burnett – Executive Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Everest Group: Recognized her profound insights on RPA, AI, and service automation, Burnett's findings shape the strategic decisions of many businesses venturing into automation.

Guy Kirkwood – Chief Evangelist at UiPath: Working for one of the RPA companies, Guy frequently speaks at conferences, discussing the exponential growth of RPA and how it's changing industries.

Pat Geary – Chief Evangelist at Blue Prism: As a figurehead at Blue Prism, a RPA company, Geary's insights and thought have been fundamental in shaping the narrative around RPA's potential and its real-world applications.

Mihir Shukla – CEO and Co-founder of Automation Anywhere: Leading one of the major RPA vendors, Shukla provides a blend of visionary leadership and practical insights about the transformative capabilities of RPA.

HfS Research Analysts: The entire analyst team at HfS Research offers deep dives into the RPA space, providing rankings, reviews, and in-depth studies about the industry's growth and challenges.

Craig Le Clair – Vice President, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research: An of “Invisible Robots in the Quiet of the Night,” Le Clair is renowned for his expertise on automation, AI, and the future of work, discussing the impact of RPA on businesses and employees.

Phil Fersht – CEO and Chief Analyst at HfS Research: As the head of a leading research firm, Fersht provides regular insights and data-driven analyses on RPA's evolution, its intersections with AI, and its impact on business services.

Mary Lacity – Curators' Distinguished Professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis: An academic with practical insights, Dr. Lacity's research on RPA adoption, governance, and best is a valuable resource for both businesses and researchers.

Anthony Macciola – Chief Innovation Officer at ABBYY: With numerous patents to his name, Macciola's insights into the convergence of RPA, AI, and process analytics helping organizations understand the next frontier in business automation.

Top 10 Business Process Automation experts to follow

Dr. Setrag Khoshafian – An early pioneer in business process automation, Khoshafian written several books on BPM (Business Process Management) and transformation. As a former chief evangelist at Pegasystems, he frequently provides insights into innovative strategies for operational efficiency.

Nathaniel Palmer – Holding positions as both the Editor-in-Chief of and the Executive Director of the Workflow Management Coalition, Palmer is a well-recognized figure in the BPM community. His expertise revolves around adaptive case management and business architecture.

Phil Gilbert – As the GM of IBM Automation, Gilbert has overseen the development and delivery of various automation tools and platforms. He is a vocal proponent of thinking in the automation space, emphasizing user-centric solutions.

Rob King – An advocate for the intersection of BPM and Six Sigma, King has facilitated several organizations in implementing automation for operational excellence. He's the go-to for a -driven approach to business processes.

Mary Lacity – Lacity's work on Robotic Process Automation () is profound. A professor and author, she has provided insights into how businesses can employ RPA to achieve significant efficiency gains.

Craig Le Clair – As a vice president and principal analyst at Forrester, Le Clair focuses on the future of operations and the impact of automation. His , “Invisible in the Quiet of the Night,” delves into RPA's transformative effects on businesses.

Keith Swenson – A proponent of adaptive and agile business processes, Swenson has provided valuable insights into making business processes more flexible to meet changing demands. His expertise lies in the confluence of BPM and agile methodologies.

Connie Moore – A former Forrester analyst, Moore's insights into dynamic case management and its in BPM have been invaluable to businesses. Now at Digital Clarity Group, she continues to explore the next frontiers of process automation.

Sandy Kemsley – An independent analyst and systems architect, Kemsley specializes in digital process automation, BPM, and case management. Her offers deep insights and commentary on the latest trends in the automation space.

Ian Gotts – The founder of, Gotts has been instrumental in driving business process excellence in organizations. With a strong focus on Salesforce automation, his expertise helps businesses optimize their CRM processes.

Top 10 RPA (Robotic Process Automation) experts to follow

Leslie Joseph: A principal analyst at Forrester , Joseph's primarily revolves around economic of RPA, its scalability, and integration with other emerging technologies.

Sarah Burnett: As an Executive VP at Everest Group, Burnett provides keen insights into RPA trends and dynamics. She frequently publishes research on RPA's role in enhancing enterprise operational efficiencies.

Craig Le Clair: A VP at Forrester Research, Le Clair is the author of “Invisible Robots in the Quiet of the Night.” He explores the transformative potential of RPA in reshaping business processes.

Guy Kirkwood: As UiPath's Chief Evangelist, Kirkwood has been instrumental in highlighting real-world RPA applications and their impact. UiPath is a leading RPA tool, and Kirkwood's insights from the epicenter of RPA innovation.

HfS Research Team: Led by Phil Fersht, HfS Research frequently delves deep into the RPA domain, analyzing market trends, vendor capabilities, and the broader impact of RPA on the future of work.

Pat Geary: As the Chief Evangelist at Blue Prism, Geary is often at the forefront of discussions about RPA's transformative effects. Blue Prism is recognized for coining the term “Robotic Process Automation.”

John M. Cottongim: The Automation at Mars, Inc., Cottongim practical insights from an end-user , often discussing the and successes of RPA implementations at scale.

Edward Brooks: Founder of The RPA Academy, Brooks focuses on RPA education and training. His perspectives are invaluable for enterprises and individuals looking to skill up in RPA.

Mihir Shukla: As the CEO of Automation Anywhere, another leading RPA tool, Shukla's discussions revolve around the democratization of RPA and its role in boosting enterprise digital transformation efforts.

Semyon Sergunin: With a focus on RPA's role in finance as the product marketing leader at IQ Bot (by Automation Anywhere), Sergunin sheds light on the potential of cognitive automation in the financial sector.

How Ai Can Improve Your Recruiting Process

Artificial (AI) has to significantly the for businesses. Here are a few that AI can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruiting efforts:

Resume screening: AI can be used to analyze resumes and identify key skills and qualifications that are relevant to a particular job. This can help to speed up the process of reviewing resumes and identify top candidates more quickly.

Job matching: AI can analyze the skills and qualifications of job candidates and match them with open positions that are a good fit. This can help to ensure that the right candidates are being considered for the right jobs, and can improve the chances of making a successful hire.

scheduling: AI can be used to schedule interviews with candidates based on their availability and the availability of managers. This can save time and improve the efficiency of the interview process.

Interview evaluation: AI can be used to analyze the responses of candidates during an interview and identify key traits and skills that are relevant to the job. This can help to identify top candidates more accurately and reduce bias in the hiring process.

Onboarding: AI can be used to streamline the onboarding process for new hires, by providing them with personalized and resources, and helping them to get up to speed more quickly.

Overall, AI has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruiting process for businesses. By automating certain tasks and providing more accurate and unbiased evaluation of candidates, AI can help businesses to find the right candidates for their open positions more quickly and effectively.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here