Top 10 Microbiome Technologies experts to follow

Rob Knight – University of California, San Diego: Co-founder of the American Gut Project, Knight's research focuses on microbial communities and their potential effects on various health conditions. groundbreaking offers insights into the complex relationships between microbiomes and our health.

Dr. Jessica Richman – Co-founder of uBiome: Richman's uBiome provided the first direct-to-consumer microbial sequencing , enabling to explore their own microbiomes. She's pivotal in transforming our understanding of personal microbiome landscapes.

Dr. Martin J. Blaser – Rutgers University: Author of “Missing Microbes,” Blaser has studied the human microbiome's role in health and diseases decades, especially its relationship with antibiotics.

Dr. Elaine Hsiao – University of California, Los Angeles: Hsiao's lab focuses on the interface between the brain and the microbiome, exploring microbial interactions might influence conditions such as autism.

Dr. Emeran Mayer – UCLA: A gastroenterologist, Mayer is renowned for his research on the gut-brain connection. His work sheds light on how the gut microbiome might affect our emotions, moods, and overall brain health.

Dr. Fergus Shanahan – University College Cork: Shanahan's work has been instrumental in understanding the gut's microbiome and its implications in gastrointestinal health. He has deeply investigated the potential of probiotics and their role in health.

Dr. Julie Segre – National Human Genome Research Institute: Segre's pioneering research uses genomic sequencing to explore microbial on human skin, providing insights into a range of skin conditions and diseases.

Dr. Ruth Ley – Max Planck Institute: Specializing in microbial ecology, Ley's work focuses on the dynamics of the gut microbiome and how factors such as diet can alter microbial communities and influence health.

Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian – California Institute of Technology: Focusing on the gut's symbiotic microbial communities, Mazmanian delves into understanding how these microbes can influence the immune system and brain development.

Dr. Peer Bork – European Molecular Biology Laboratory: Renowned for his bioinformatics approaches, Bork's research aims to decipher the functionalities of the gut microbiome and its influence on health and disease.

Top 10 Microbiome Therapeutics experts to follow

Dr. Rob Knight: Co- of the American Gut Project and a at UC San Diego, Dr. Knight's research focuses on microbial ' impact on health. work has been instrumental in understanding the human microbiome's intricate connections to various diseases.

Dr. Elaine Hsiao: Based at UCLA, Dr. Hsiao is known her groundbreaking work on the gut-brain axis. She delves into microbiota can influence neurological health and behavior, opening avenues for potential .

Prof. Justin Sonnenburg: A microbiologist at , Prof. Sonnenburg studies the dynamics between dietary components, gut microbes, and host physiology. His research provides insights into designing diet-based therapeutic strategies.

Dr. Colleen Cutcliffe: As the CEO and co-founder of Whole Biome, Dr. Cutcliffe focuses on developing novel therapies based on the microbiome to combat metabolic diseases like diabetes.

Dr. Fergus Shanahan: Renowned for his work on gut health, Dr. Shanahan has laid the foundation for understanding microbiota's role in inflammatory bowel diseases and the potential for microbial-based therapies.

Prof. Wendy Garrett: A professor at Harvard, Prof. Garrett studies the relationship between the gut microbiome and the immune system. Her work has implications for cancer therapies and autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian: At , Dr. Mazmanian has been a pioneer in studying the symbiotic relationships between gut bacteria and humans. His work explores therapeutic applications, especially in neurological disorders.

Dr. Dirk Gevers: Formerly with Janssen Biotech and the Human Microbiome Project, Dr. Gevers has made significant strides in understanding microbial communities' structure and function in various health conditions.

Prof. Ruth Ley: Based at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, Prof. Ley's work revolves around obesity and the gut microbiome. Her research seeks to understand microbial in obesity and how they might be manipulated for therapeutic benefits.

Dr. Erica Sonnenburg: Alongside her work at Stanford, Dr. Sonnenburg investigates dietary fiber's role and its interactions with the gut microbiome, providing insights into improving digestive health and immunity.

Top 10 Microbiome Technologies experts to follow

Dr. Rob Knight: Co- of the American Gut Project and a professor at UC San Diego, Knight's is instrumental in understanding the human microbiome and connections to health and diseases.

Dr. Jack Gilbert: With affiliations at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, Gilbert's covers microbial ecology in various environments, human guts to oceans.

Dr. Julie Segre: At the National Human Genome Research Institute, Segre's groundbreaking work on skin microbiomes has shifted our understanding of skin health and diseases.

Dr. Martin Blaser: An of “Missing Microbes” and a professor at Rutgers, Blaser studies the relationship between the human microbiome, antibiotics, and long-term health implications.

Dr. Jessica Green: Co-founder of Phylagen, a company harnessing microbiomes for industrial applications, and a professor at the University of Oregon, Green focuses on built environments' microbial ecosystems.

Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian: At Caltech, Mazmanian's work delves deep into the gut- axis, investigating our microbiomes might influence neurological health.

Dr. Ruth Ley: Director at the Max Planck Institute, Ley's research on gut microbes reveals their roles in digestion, immunity, and even obesity.

Dr. Jeff Leach: Founder of the Human Food Project, Leach explores ancestral diets and their impacts on our modern microbiomes.

Dr. Michael Fischbach: Based at , Fischbach's work on mining the human microbiome for drug compounds holds potential for novel therapeutic discoveries.

Dr. Elisabeth Bik: A science communicator and microbial genomics expert, Bik is known for her efforts in research integrity and her deep dives into the intricacies of the human microbiome.

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