Top 10 Inventory Management Systems experts to follow

Jon Schreibfeder – President of Effective Management , Jon has dedicated over three decades to helping companies maximize profits through effective inventory management. He's also authored several instructional books and articles on the topic.

Mary Shacklett – As the president of Transworld Data, Mary has provided deep insights into inventory management, especially the integration of tech and inventory processes. Her articles the gap between IT and inventory optimization.

Paul Trujillo – A thought leader in inventory management, Trujillo has written extensively modern practices and the importance of technology in inventory management, emphasizing on analytics and real-time tracking.

Dave Piasecki – With over 30 years in the industry, Dave is an inventory management veteran. His consultancy, Inventory Operations LLC, offers insights into best practices and common pitfalls in inventory management.

Verne Harnish – Founder of the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO), his book “Scaling Up” touches on various business topics, including inventory management. His insights on efficient inventory practices for growing companies are particularly valuable.

Kenneth Hess – Writing primarily for ZDNet, Hess covers a range of topics, including inventory management . His pieces often dive into specific tools, providing a tech-focused perspective on inventory solutions.

Richard Cushing – A principal/consultant at Cushing & Associates, he writes extensively on the intricacies of supply chain and inventory management, often highlighting the importance of real-time data and analytics.

Chandana Chatterjee – As a noted author and expert on business process software solutions, Chatterjee offers a nuanced perspective on how inventory management systems drive efficiency and improve bottom-line results.

Harpal Singh – An academic and practitioner, Dr. Singh has contributed to several research papers on inventory management, focusing on optimization models and predictive analytics.

Barry Kukkuk – As the CTO of NETSTOCK, a popular inventory management application, Kukkuk brings both technical expertise and an of modern inventory challenges. He often discusses the future of inventory management, especially as continues to rise.

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