Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) experts to follow

Dr. John Barrett – A professor at Cork Institute of Technology, Dr. Barrett is deeply involved in IoT research and has delivered numerous talks about the impact of IoT on our daily lives and industries. extensive academic work provides a deep dive into IoT's potential and future.

Stacey Higginbotham – As the creator of the “IoT Podcast” and her weekly newsletter, Stacey on IoT, Higginbotham has her finger on the pulse of the IoT industry. She offers insights on the latest trends, devices, and the evolving landscape of IoT.

Kevin Ashton – Often credited with coining the term “ of Things”, Ashton's contributions to the IoT are unparalleled. His vision for interconnected devices has, in many ways, shaped the trajectory of IoT advancements.

Dr. Kevin Curran – A senior IEEE member and professor at Ulster University, Dr. Curran's expertise lies in within the realm of IoT. He has authored numerous papers on the subject, highlighting the challenges and solutions in securing .

Maciej Kranz – As the Vice of Cisco's Strategic Innovation Group, Kranz has been a driving force behind several IoT innovations. His book, “Building the Internet of Things”, offers a practical approach to IoT implementation in business.

Michael Miller – A prolific author, Miller's book “The Internet of Things” is a comprehensive guide that demystifies IoT, breaking down its complexities into understandable modules. His work is essential for those new to IoT and seeking foundational knowledge.

Jenny Fielding – As the Managing at Techstars, a startup accelerator, Fielding actively mentors and supports IoT startups. Her insights provide a fresh on the entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities in the IoT space.

David Stephenson – An IoT thought leader, Stephenson's focus is on the intersection of IoT with big data and analytics. His book, “The Future of IoT”, underscores the need for a collaborative approach to building a successful IoT strategy.

Tamara McCleary – CEO of Thulium, a social media analytics company, McCleary's expertise is in the confluence of IoT with AI and social media. Recognized as an influencer, she frequently speaks at and industry conferences about the transformative power of IoT.

Tom Raftery – As SAP's Global VP, Futurist, and Innovation Evangelist, Raftery offers a unique view of how IoT impacts global supply chains, , and industry operations.

Top 10 Tactile Internet experts to follow

Prof. Gerhard Fettweis: Holding the Vodafone Chair at TU Dresden, Fettweis is often referred to as the “father of the Tactile .” His vision and pioneering on 5G systems and the Tactile Internet are shaping the future of real-time, haptic communication.

Dr. Mischa Dohler: A professor at King's College London, Dohler delves deep into networks and is a proponent of the Tactile Internet, examining its applications in various sectors, healthcare to entertainment.

Prof. Frank Fitzek: Also from TU Dresden, Fitzek's on communication networks emphasizes the importance of ultra-reliable low latency, a crucial component for the Tactile Internet's realization.

Dr. Mahadev Satyanarayanan: Operating out of Carnegie Mellon Satyanarayanan's focus on edge computing is directly relevant to the Tactile Internet, ensuring real-time responses through processing.

Prof. Eckehard Steinbach: Based at the Technical University of Munich, Steinbach's work on media technology and signal processing contributes to the development of Tactile Internet interfaces and their experiences.

Dr. Ian Akyildiz: A distinguished researcher, Akyildiz's work on next-gen communication systems at the Georgia Institute of Technology emphasizes the challenges and potentials of the Tactile Internet, particularly in its networking aspects.

Prof. Meryem Simsek: Working closely with Fettweis at TU Dresden, Simsek's research has been instrumental in laying out the foundational frameworks and architectures for the Tactile Internet.

Dr. Adlen Ksentini: Operating out of EURECOM, Ksentini's expertise in network slicing and real-time service delivery plays a pivotal role in making the Tactile Internet a feasible reality.

Prof. Volker Hilt: Based at Nokia Bell Labs, Hilt's investigations into real-time communications and network architectures are shaping the commercial aspects and practical deployment strategies for the Tactile Internet.

Dr. Simone Redana: As the head of network architectures at Nokia, Redana's work centers on the of 5G networks and the integration of the Tactile Internet, laying the groundwork for its wider adoption.

Top 10 Quantum Internet experts to follow

Prof. Ronald Hanson: At Delft University of Technology, Hanson has been at the forefront of entanglement experiments. work paves the for developing a fully secure quantum internet.

Prof. Jian-Wei Pan: Based at the University of Science and Technology of China, Pan's groundbreaking experiments in quantum satellite communications have been a milestone in the realization of global-scale quantum .

Prof. Stephanie Wehner: Co- the quantum internet at QuTech in Delft, Wehner is focused on quantum network protocols and the development of the quantum internet.

Dr. Thomas Jennewein: A physicist at the University of Waterloo and the Institute for Quantum Computing, Jennewein's work emphasizes quantum communication, cryptography, and satellite-based quantum technologies.

Prof. Mikhail Lukin: At Harvard, Lukin's research delves into quantum optical devices and their application in quantum networks, making significant strides towards a scalable quantum internet.

Prof. Hoi-Kwong Lo: Based at the University of Toronto, Lo is renowned for his work in quantum cryptography. His research addresses security issues vital for the quantum internet.

Dr. Tracy Northup: Working at the University of Innsbruck, Northup explores quantum interfaces between light and motion, a crucial area in quantum repeater technologies, vital for long-distance quantum communication.

Prof. Nicolas Gisin: A professor at the University of Geneva, Gisin has made contributions to quantum cryptography and quantum communication, foundational areas for the quantum internet.

Prof. Lene Hau: At Harvard, Hau's groundbreaking experiments in slowing down light have ramifications for quantum information storage and transfer, pivotal components of a quantum internet.

Dr. David Awschalom: At the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, Awschalom focuses on quantum and their implications for quantum communication and networking.

Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) experts to follow

Kevin Ashton: Coined the term “Internet of Things,” Ashton is often considered the father of IoT. He envisioned a world where everything connects to the internet, and insights continue to shape the IoT landscape.

Dr. John Barrett: A professor at the Cork Institute of Technology, Barrett's lectures on IoT are a staple for anyone entering the field. His research covers the social and technological implications of a world.

Stacey Higginbotham: A journalist with a keen eye on IoT, Higginbotham's weekly and newsletter, “Stacey on IoT,” are invaluable resources for updates, product reviews, and expert interviews.

Maciej Kranz: As the author of “Building the Internet of Things,” Kranz, a Cisco veteran, delves into the practical aspects of IoT for businesses, discussing strategy, implementation, and monetization.

Dr. Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar: President of Aeris India, Dr. Bhatnagar is an expert in IoT's transformative role in enterprises, especially in areas like smart cities and automotive industries.

Michael Koster: A principal architect at ARM, Koster's work revolves around IoT standards and protocols. He's actively involved in the Connectivity Foundation, pushing for open standards in IoT.

Tom Raftery: A Global VP at SAP, Raftery is a keen observer of the IoT ecosystem. His insights into how IoT integrates with other trends like and the energy sector are enlightening.

Benson Hougland: With a focus on automation and connectivity, Hougland, a VP at Opto 22, showcases -world IoT applications, emphasizing their impact on industries like .

Jenny Fielding: Managing Director at Techstars, Fielding's expertise spans IoT startups and investments. Her insights provide a glimpse into the evolving entrepreneurial landscape of IoT.

Caroline Gorski: As the Group Director of R2 Data Labs at Rolls-Royce, Gorski's work exemplifies IoT's role in large-scale industrial applications. She underscores how IoT, combined with and analytics, drives in sectors like aviation.

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