Top 10 Immersive Experience experts to follow

Dr. Jeremy Bailenson: As the founding director of Stanford's Human Interaction Lab, Dr. Bailenson is a leading voice in VR research. His work delves into reality can transform education, environmental conservation, empathy, and health.

Nonny de la Peña: Dubbed the “Godmother of Virtual Reality,” she's the founder of Emblematic Group. Nonny pioneered the use of VR in journalism, helping to produce one of the -ever VR documentaries.

Rony Abovitz: The founder of Magic Leap, Abovitz has been a dominant figure in AR. Though Magic Leap faced challenges, Abovitz's vision for an augmented human remains influential.

Jesse Schell: As the of Schell Games and a professor at Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center, Schell provides unique insights into design and its potential in creating VR and AR experiences.

Timoni West: Leading XR (extended reality) at Unity Technologies, West has been instrumental in crafting tools that enable creators to produce immersive experiences seamlessly.

Mark Billinghurst: Known as one of the pioneers in AR, Billinghurst founded the HIT Lab NZ at the University of Canterbury and has been involved in numerous AR/VR projects, pushing the boundaries of interactive user .

Blair Renaud: A trailblazer in the world of VR gaming, Renaud, the mind behind “Technolust” and other titles, has provided valuable insights into how gaming can be enhanced VR's immersive capabilities.

Helen Papagiannis: An AR specialist, designer, and author, Papagiannis's work in the AR space spans over a decade. Her book, “Augmented Human,” delves deep into how AR is changing everyday .

Amber Case: A cyborg anthropologist, Case examines the intersection of humans and technology. Her insights into how technology can create more human-focused, immersive experiences are invaluable.

Kent Bye: Through his podcast, “Voices of VR,” Bye has interviewed a vast number of experts in the VR field, making him one of the most informed and influential voices in virtual reality.

Top 10 Immersive Learning experts to follow

Jeremy Bailenson: As the founder of Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Bailenson's work revolves around how virtual reality (VR) can transform education, , and social interaction. His book “Experience on Demand” delves deep into the potential of VR in learning.

Derek Belch: CEO of STRIVR, a company that specializes in VR training athletes and enterprises, Belch has worked on integrating immersive into sports training and corporate learning scenarios.

Jessica Lindl: As the Global Head of Education at Unity Technologies, Lindl champions the cause of gaming and VR technologies to foster experiential learning.

Maya Georgieva: An edtech strategist and futurist, Georgieva is the Director of Digital Learning at The New School. She's a keen advocate for () and VR in learning experiences.

David Cleverdon: Co-founder of 360 Immersive, Cleverdon has been instrumental in creating virtual reality and augmented reality training solutions, pushing for more real-world, experiential learning.

Helen Situ: An influential voice in the world of virtual reality, Situ emphasizes how immersive storytelling in VR platforms can be a powerful learning tool.

Eric Hawkinson: A leader in the AR space, Hawkinson's work, especially in Japan, focuses on integrating augmented reality in education, events, and training programs.

Jesse Schell: The CEO of Schell Games, Schell has been a prominent figure in game design. His company specializes in creating meaningful game-based learning experiences.

Nonny de la Peña: Often hailed as the “Godmother of Virtual Reality,” Peña's work at Emblematic Group emphasizes immersive journalism, where VR is to place users directly within stories, offering a profound learning experience.

Dan White: The CEO and co-founder of Filament Games, White believes in the transformative power of play and its potential in learning environments. His company produces educational games that blend learning with engaging gameplay.

Top 10 Immersive Experience experts to follow

Mark Zuckerberg: As the of Meta (formerly Facebook), Zuckerberg is driving the vision of the metaverse – a collective virtual shared space. With initiatives Horizon Workrooms, he's emphasizing the of work and social interactions in virtual spaces.

Brenda Laurel: A pioneer in virtual reality and interactive media, Laurel's work in the '80s and '90s set the stage many of today's immersive . Her writings and projects offer deep insights into -computer interaction.

Timoni West: As Director of XR Research at Unity Technologies, West is instrumental in developing tools and frameworks for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, making immersive content creation accessible to developers worldwide.

Nonny de la Peña: Often called the “Godmother of VR,” de la Peña's work focuses on immersive journalism. Using VR, she places viewers directly into stories, offering a first-person perspective on global events.

Kevin Kelly: Co-founder of Wired magazine, Kelly's writings explore the future of AR, VR, and mixed reality. He delves into the societal and technological implications of fully immersive worlds.

Jessica Brillhart: As the founder of Vrai Pictures, Brillhart is an influential figure in VR filmmaking. Her projects and methodologies challenge traditional storytelling, using VR to create deeply narratives.

Kent Bye: Host of the “Voices of VR” podcast, Bye offers one of the most comprehensive looks into the VR industry, interviewing a wide range of experts and providing insights into the evolving landscape of immersive experiences.

Dr. Jeremy Bailenson: Founding director of Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Dr. Bailenson's research examines the psychology of VR and its effects on human cognition, behavior, and social interactions.

Rikard Steiber: Formerly of HTC's Viveport and Google's VR divisions, Steiber has been a driving force in bringing VR to the mainstream, emphasizing its potential in areas from education to .

Nina Salomons: A VR and the founder of VRWorldTech Magazine, Salomons frequently covers the latest trends, challenges, and breakthroughs in the world of immersive technologies.

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