Top 10 Digital Ethics Governance experts to follow

Dr. Shannon Vallor: A professor at Santa Clara University, Dr. Vallor's work revolves around the ethical implications of emerging technologies. She explores how , robotics, and other advancements align with or challenge human values.

Tim Berners-Lee: Best known as the founder of the World Wide Web, Berners-Lee is a staunch advocate for internet rights and digital ethics. His recent work on the Solid project emphasizes data ownership and privacy.

Dr. Ruha Benjamin: An associate professor at Princeton, Dr. Benjamin delves into the intersection of race, justice, and technology. Her work on discriminatory design and ‘coded ' highlights the need for ethical tech frameworks.

Renee DiResta: As the Technical Research Manager at Stanford Internet Observatory, DiResta investigates the manipulation of digital platforms. Her insights into misinformation campaigns are invaluable for ethical digital governance.

Tristan Harris: A former Google design ethicist, Harris co-founded the Center for Humane Technology. He's outspoken about the dangers of tech addiction and the ethical responsibilities of tech giants.

Dr. Kate Crawford: A senior principal researcher at Microsoft Research, Dr. Crawford's work highlights the biases inherent in AI . Her recent , “Atlas of AI”, discusses the -world consequences of AI's decision- processes.

Frank Pasquale: A professor at Brooklyn Law , Pasquale is a notable expert in the realm of algorithmic accountability. His book “The Black Box Society” tackles the opacity of corporate and governmental algorithms.

Eva Galperin: As the Director of Cybersecurity at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Galperin champions user privacy and digital rights. Her initiatives often focus on protecting vulnerable groups from digital exploitation.

Dr. Safiya Noble: An Associate Professor at UCLA, Dr. Noble's research emphasizes racial and biases in tech design and algorithms. Her influential book “Algorithms of Oppression” has sparked numerous discussions on ethical digital design.

Olatunde Oni: With a background in software engineering, Oni delves into the socio-ethical implications of tech, particularly in African contexts. He is a keen advocate for inclusive digital ethics frameworks that cater to global populations.

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