Top 10 Food Safety and Traceability experts to follow

Dr. Frank Yiannas – Currently serving as the Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy & Response at the U.S. FDA, Dr. Yiannas is a authority on food safety, traceability, and . His emphasizes the integration of modern technology to ensure food integrity.

Bill Marler – An accomplished food safety attorney, Marler has represented victims of nearly every major foodborne illness outbreak in the United States. He also pens the renowned Marler Blog, a leading resource on food safety.

Dr. Darin Detwiler – Holding a wealth of experience, Dr. Detwiler is a vocal advocate for policies and technologies enhancing food safety. He's a regular contributor to several industry publications, educating about the challenges and solutions in food safety.

Tejas Bhatt – As the Senior Director for Global Food Safety Innovation at Walmart, Bhatt has been instrumental in advancing blockchain's role in food traceability. His have ushered in transparency and rapid response times in addressing food safety concerns.

Katy Jones – At FoodLogiQ, Katy Jones champions -to-end traceability and food safety technology solutions for global food brands. Her insights on integrating tech in the food safety paradigm are invaluable.

Dr. David Acheson – A former Associate Commissioner for foods at the FDA, Dr. Acheson is a leading figure in food safety risk assessment and management. He's played a crucial role in bridging regulatory science with the food industry's needs.

Bob Whitaker, Ph.D. – With vast experience in the produce industry, Dr. Whitaker's work emphasizes advancing food safety practices in and processing facilities. His expertise is key in understanding pathogen contamination and .

Bryan Hitchcock – Leading the Institute of Food Technologists' (IFT) Global Food Traceability Center, Hitchcock's endeavors focus on improving food product traceability and understanding role in food safety and quality assurance.

Jennifer McEntire, Ph.D. – Vice President of Food Safety & Technology at United Fresh Produce Association, Dr. McEntire has spearheaded efforts on traceability standards and best practices, working closely with both industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

John Keogh – A seasoned expert in chain integrity and transparency, Keogh sheds light on the technology's role, especially blockchain, in ensuring food traceability and authentication.

Top 10 Food Waste Reduction Tech experts to follow

Christine Moseley – Founder of Full Harvest, Christine leads a B2B platform that connects food companies with farms to buy surplus and imperfect produce, significantly reducing food . Her aligns profitability with sustainability.

Ben Simon – Co-founder of Imperfect Foods, Ben started as a college student with a mission to reduce food waste on campus. Today, Imperfect Foods delivers “ugly” produce and other grocery items that might be wasted to consumers' doors, helping reduce food waste.

Apeel Sciences (James Rogers) – James Rogers founded Apeel Sciences, which developed an edible coating to extend shelf life of fruits and vegetables. This has the to greatly reduce spoilage and waste.

Kavita Shukla – The mind behind FreshPaper, Kavita's invention is a simple sheet of paper infused with spices that keep produce fresh longer. It's a low-tech solution with a significant impact on reducing spoilage.

David Rodriguez – As the Cofounder and CEO of Food For All, David's app allows users to purchase unsold food from restaurants at the end of the day, preventing delicious meals from being thrown away.

Tessa Clarke – Co-founder of OLIO, an app that connects neighbors with each other and local businesses to share surplus food. Since its inception, millions of food items have been shared via OLIO, preventing them from ending up in the landfill.

Saasha Celestial-One – As the COO and co-founder of OLIO, Saasha's commitment to reducing food waste is evident. She works alongside Tessa Clarke to make food sharing easy and efficient.

Matt Homewood – An farmer and activist, Matt's popular social media accounts spotlight the amount of food wasted in supermarkets, inspiring followers to rethink waste and consider the of “rescued” food.

Zornes – Founder of Winnow, Mark's technology helps chefs measure and manage food waste by using a smart meter to track what's thrown away, providing insights on how to reduce waste in the .

Jenny Costa – The brains behind Rubies in the Rubble, Jenny's company produces gourmet condiments from discarded fruits and vegetables, turning potential waste into delicious spreads.

Top 10 Food Delivery Platforms experts to follow

Tony Xu – As the co-founder and CEO of DoorDash, Tony Xu has transformed the landscape of on-demand food in the U.S. Xu's vision and leadership have guided DoorDash in its rapid expansion and service diversification.

Will Shu – The man behind Deliveroo, one of Europe's largest food delivery platforms. Will Shu's insight into the logistics and nuances of the food delivery business has made him an influential voice in the industry.

Max Wang – As Vice of Meituan-Dianping, the leading food delivery platform in China, Wang's insights into the Asian market and large-scale operations invaluable anyone interested in global trends and challenges in food delivery.

Miki Kuusi – CEO and co-founder of Wolt, Kuusi's expertise lies in expanding in challenging markets, as Wolt quickly rose to dominate the Nordic region. His on the blend of technology and food delivery is unique.

Matt Maloney – The co-founder and CEO of Grubhub, Maloney's contributions to online takeout food ordering have been significant. Under his leadership, Grubhub has navigated through mergers and expanded its reach extensively.

Ritesh Agarwal – The young entrepreneur behind Ola, which has its food delivery subsidiary, Ola Foods, in . Agarwal's approach to integrating transport and food delivery insights offers a comprehensive perspective on urban mobility and delivery services.

Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty – Vice President of Uber Eats. Given Uber's dominance in the ride-hailing sector, Gore-Coty's of its food delivery arm and understanding of logistical challenges is of paramount importance in the industry.

Bastian Lehmann – CEO of Postmates. Lehmann's journey of growing Postmates from a small startup to one of America's top food delivery services offers insights into entrepreneurship, , and the future of on-demand services.

Barney Harford – Former COO of Uber and advisor for Uber Eats. With a background in both and travel (he was formerly CEO of Orbitz), Harford brings a diverse perspective to the table in the realm of logistics and delivery.

Evan Moore – Formerly at DoorDash and now a venture capitalist, Moore's insights extend beyond just the operational side of food delivery. His understanding of the market, trends, and what the future holds for on-demand services is deeply informed by his .

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