Top 10 ERP Systems experts to follow

Ray Wang – Founder of Constellation Research, Wang is a prominent in the world of enterprise software, especially ERP and CRM. His insights into the future of business processes and the role plays in them are invaluable for any organization.

Jon Reed – Co-founder of Diginomica, Reed is deeply ingrained in the ERP world, often providing critiques, reviews, and analysis of various ERP solutions. His hands-on experience and candid reviews are insightful for enterprises looking to implement or upgrade their ERP systems.

Panaya (not an individual, but a recognized thought leader) – Specializing in ERP change , Panaya's insights and resources are beneficial for those looking to understand the intricacies of ERP .

Cindy Jutras – As the founder of Mint Jutras, Jutras has been analyzing the of enterprise applications on business performance. Her focus on real-world applications of ERP and her understanding of the challenges businesses face make her insights incredibly relevant.

Eric Kimberling – A recognizable figure in the ERP community, Kimberling has extensive experience in ERP consulting. His focus on ERP failures and lessons learned offers organizations a unique perspective on what not to do.

Vinnie Mirchandani – of “SAP Nation,” Mirchandani offers a critical and detailed view of the world of ERP, focusing on giants like SAP and their role in the larger enterprise ecosystem.

Ann Grackin – of ChainLink Research, Grackin's insights into supply chain and ERP are indispensable for businesses looking to leverage ERP for enhanced supply chain .

Holger Mueller – As Constellation Research's VP and Principal Analyst, Mueller's sharp commentary on enterprise software and ERP is based on industry knowledge. His understanding of next-gen software and how it intersects with ERP is beneficial for forward-thinking businesses.

Brian Sommer – Founder of TechVentive, Sommer has been in the ERP industry for decades. His strategic insights, combined with a clear understanding of the ERP vendor landscape, provide clarity to businesses navigating the ERP world.

Paul Coetser – As a partner at Bright Cape, Coetser specializes in SAP implementations and offers a wealth of knowledge about SAP's ERP solutions and practices.

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