Top 10 Edge Computing experts to follow

Dr. Tom Bradicich – VP at Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE): Dr. Bradicich led the charge at HPE to integrate edge computing with IoT solutions. He's responsible for HPE's edge-to- continuum vision, merging analytics and real-time processing.

Jason Shepherd – VP of Ecosystem at ZEDEDA: Shepherd extensive experience in edge and IoT technologies. As a key member of ZEDEDA, a leader in orchestration for the edge, he frequently provides insights into the of computing.

Mahadev Satyanarayanan – Professor at Carnegie Mellon University: Often recognized as the pioneer of edge computing, Satyanarayanan's research laid much of the foundational concepts. His papers offer deep dives into the subject and anticipate its trajectory.

Inma Rodriguez – Edge Computing Expert at Ericsson: Rodriguez plays a pivotal role at Ericsson in developing and promoting edge computing solutions, especially as integrate with 5G technologies.

Rob High – CTO of Edge Computing at IBM: High is at the helm of IBM's edge computing vision, driving the technological and philosophical pillars of IBM's approach to this transformative tech.

Gavin Whitechurch – Executive VP at KNect365, Informa: Whitechurch organizes some of the most influential tech conferences globally, often spotlighting edge computing. He brings together the brightest minds in the field, promoting collaboration and -sharing.

Farah Papaioannou – Co-founder of Edgeworx: A prominent figure in edge computing, Papaioannou's firm, Edgeworx, develops an -source software platform enabling edge computing. She's a vocal advocate for the transformative potential of edge technologies.

Matt Baker – SVP of Strategy and Planning at Dell EMC: A leading strategist in Dell's edge computing and broader tech vision, Baker provides insights into how edge computing will reshape industries, from to manufacturing.

Cole Crawford – Founder & CEO of Vapor IO: Crawford's company focuses on creating edge-to-cloud infrastructure. As a thought leader, he frequently comments on how edge computing intersects with , IoT, and 5G.

Marc-Elian Bégin – CEO of SixSq: Bégin's company specializes in edge computing solutions for the of Things (IoT). His expertise covers both the business and technical aspects of edge computing, offering a holistic view of the field.

Top 10 Edge Analytics experts to follow

Dr. Arjmand Samuel: A principal program manager at Microsoft, Samuel's work revolves around edge computing and its intersection IoT. His insights shed light on how edge analytics is data processing in -time.

Flavio Bonomi: Often cited as one of the founders of the edge computing concept, Bonomi's early work at Cisco emphasized the importance of analytics closer to data sources, laying foundational concepts edge analytics.

Dr. Tom Bradicich: At Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), Bradicich has been instrumental in driving the company's vision around edge computing and analytics, particularly with the development of “intelligent edge” solutions.

Dr. Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Satya): Known as the “father of edge computing,” Satya's research at Carnegie Mellon University has been foundational. His work dives into the advantages of processing data at the edge.

Dr. Rob High: As IBM's VP and CTO for Edge Computing, High's insights into the convergence of , IoT, and edge analytics are shaping the next generation of edge solutions.

Dr. Maria Gorlatova: An associate professor at Duke University, Gorlatova's work on edge-enabled interactive applications brings a fresh perspective on integrating edge analytics with everyday user experiences.

Jason Shepherd: As the VP of Ecosystem at edge orchestration company ZEDEDA, Shepherd frequently shares valuable insights on the evolving landscape of edge computing and analytics.

Dr. Junshan Zhang: A professor at Arizona University, Zhang's research on edge analytics focuses on its applications in mobile networks and IoT, offering a deep dive into its implications for future infrastructures.

Dr. Weisong Shi: Based at Wayne State University, Shi is recognized for his research on edge computing benchmarks and the performance metrics essential for evaluating edge analytics solutions.

Farah Papaioannou: Co-founder and President of Edgeworx, Papaioannou is at the forefront of creating allow for efficient edge analytics, transforming raw data into actionable insights at the source.

Top 10 Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) experts to follow

Neil MacDonald: A Gartner Fellow, MacDonald was of the key figures behind introducing the SASE . His writings provide deep insights into the SASE framework and its implications enterprise security.

John Burke: As CIO and Principal Research Analyst at Nemertes Research, Burke written extensively on SD-WAN and SASE, providing practical advice for enterprises looking to transition to a SASE architecture.

Zeus Kerravala: of ZK Research, Kerravala's insights into the confluence of network and security through SASE offer a forward-looking on enterprise IT.

Cato Networks: While not an individual expert, Cato Networks' team, especially their Co-founder and CTO Gur Shatz, have been instrumental in shaping the SASE market and offering cutting-edge solutions.

Yishay Yovel: As Chief Marketing Officer for Cato Networks, Yovel's writings and webinars offer deep dives into SASE adoption challenges and strategies, him a valuable voice in the .

Dr. Edward Amoroso: Founder of TAG Cyber, Amoroso's perspectives on network security and the emergence of SASE frameworks grounded in decades of cybersecurity expertise.

Ramon Villarreal: Global Director at Masergy, Villarreal's insights into secure hybrid networking and the integration of SASE principles are essential for IT leaders navigating this evolving space.

Dave Greenfield: As a cybersecurity evangelist, Greenfield's commentaries and articles often touch upon the practical aspects of SASE implementation, especially its role in enhancing work security.

Sanjay Uppal: Currently at VMware, Uppal's work on SD-WAN and his insights into its convergence with security services provide a comprehensive view of the SASE landscape.

Eric Hanselman: As a Chief Analyst at 451 Research, Hanselman's contributions to the discourse on SASE are shaped by his holistic understanding of IT infrastructure, security, and network architectures.

Top 10 Edge AI experts to follow

Dr. Jeffrey Welser: As the Vice President and Lab at IBM Almaden Research Center, Dr. Welser is at the forefront of developing cutting-edge AI technologies. His team's work on bringing AI to edge devices is pivotal real-time processing and decision-making.

Dr. Michael B. Matthews: An authority on embedded systems, Dr. Matthews's focus on integrating AI with these systems is enabling smarter, faster local processing on edge devices, reducing the reliance on centralized servers.

Naveen Rao: Formerly the VP and GM of Intel's AI Products Group, Rao has been instrumental in developing hardware supports edge AI, particularly through neuromorphic , which aims to mimic the human brain's processing style.
Caroline Chan: As the VP and GM of 5G Infrastructure at Intel, Chan's work emphasizes how 5G and Edge AI converge to enable ultra-, data-heavy applications, driving innovations in industries like healthcare, automotive, and entertainment.

Vikram Dendi: The Chief Strategy Officer at Microsoft, Dendi's involvement in the evolution of Microsoft Translator has shown how AI models can be optimized to run efficiently on edge devices, allowing real-time translation without dependence.

Chris Bergey: As the Senior VP and GM of Infrastructure Line of Business at Arm, Bergey's work on producing efficient AI-ready chipsets for edge devices has paved the for smarter IoT applications.

Dr. Satyam Priyadarshy: A Technology Fellow and Chief Data Scientist at Halliburton, Dr. Priyadarshy's expertise in edge analytics and AI is shaping the future of energy industries, making operations safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

Dr. Ebrahim Bushehri: CEO of Lime Microsystems, Dr. Bushehri is advancing the field of software-defined and programmable radios. These radios, combined with edge AI, have the potential to revolutionize communication .

Jared Wolff: An expert in IoT and edge computing, Wolff's insights and tutorials on edge AI in various devices have become valuable resources for developers and businesses keen on harnessing local data processing power.

Dr. Rabaey Jan M.: A professor at UC Berkeley, Dr. Rabaey's work on designing circuits and algorithms for edge devices is enabling them to make intelligent decisions without relying on the cloud, enhancing speed and user experience.

Top 10 Edge Computing experts to follow

Satyam Vaghani: As the CTO and co-founder of Pensa, Vaghani's insights into computing intersect with virtualization, AI, and data center orchestration, illuminating the future of edge .

Jason Shepherd: As the VP of Ecosystem at edge orchestration company ZEDEDA, Shepherd is a thought leader in edge computing, IoT, and the broader decentralization of IT.

Dr. Tom Bradicich: Leading Hewlett Packard Enterprise's (HPE) edge computing initiatives, Dr. Bradicich merges operational technology (OT) with traditional IT, creating new paradigms for edge deployments.

Ines Envid: As a Product Manager at Ericsson, Envid's work focuses on distributed cloud , emphasizing edge computing's role in 5G and real-time data processing.

Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Satya): Often referred to as the “father of edge computing,” Satya's at Carnegie Mellon University has been foundational for the edge computing field, especially with his early work on “cyber foraging.”

Vicki Chen: As a writer for EdgeIR, Chen's analyses and articles provide timely updates on the evolving landscape of edge computing, from industry trends to technological breakthroughs.

Jim Fletcher: Strategy Partner at Momenta Partners, Fletcher's insights into edge computing grounded in decades of in IoT, AI, and strategy, especially during his tenure at IBM.

Gavin Whitechurch: As the founder of Edge Computing Expo and other tech events, Whitechurch plays a pivotal role in bringing together edge computing stakeholders, fostering innovation and collaboration.

Matt Baker: Senior VP at Dell , Baker's expertise spans from data strategy to edge computing, providing a holistic view of how edge integrates with broader IT ecosystems.

Liz Cruz: Associate Director and a leading analyst at Navigant Research, Cruz's reports provide in-depth looks into edge computing's impact on industries, from to manufacturing.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here