Top 10 Digital Ecosystems experts to follow

Tim O'Reilly: Founder of O'Reilly Media, Tim has been a guiding voice in the digital landscape. He popularized terms like ‘Web 2.0' and has been an influential advocate for open source and the power of digital platforms and .

Rachel Botsman: As a Trust Fellow at Oxford Botsman's work primarily revolves around digital trust, collaborative consumption, and how technology is transforming trust between and institutions.

Satya Nadella: Microsoft's CEO has overseen the company's transformation into one of the world's most dominant digital ecosystems. Under Nadella, Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 have grown into essential platforms that millions rely on.

Dr. Carsten Sørensen: An associate professor at LSE, Dr. Sørensen's research focuses on the mobile digital infrastructure's role in reshaping organizations. His insights are critical for businesses aiming to thrive in today's digital- landscape.

Marshall Van Alstyne: As a professor at Boston University, Alstyne has extensively researched digital platform economics. He's delved into the network effects and strategies that help digital ecosystems thrive.

Sangeet Paul Choudary: A widely recognized figure in the domain of platform economics, Choudary is an and researcher who focuses on the structure, governance, and strategy of digital ecosystems. His book “Platform Revolution” is a must-read in this space.

Annabelle Gawer: A professor at the University of Surrey, Gawer's extensive research on platform leadership and ecosystems provides valuable insights into how businesses leverage digital platforms for growth.

Parker: Co-author of “Platform Revolution”, Parker's research on platform businesses and networked innovation, particularly in financial and energy, has provided pioneering frameworks for understanding digital ecosystems.

Ben Thompson: Through his influential newsletter Stratechery, Thompson provides sharp analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, focusing on the rise of digital ecosystems and their implications.

Kareem Yusuf, Ph.D.: As the General Manager of AI Applications and at IBM, Yusuf oversees the development of digital ecosystems and tools powered by AI and blockchain.

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