Top 10 Drones and UAVs experts to follow

Chris Anderson: The of 3D Robotics and former Editor-in-Chief of Wired, Anderson is a prominent figure in the drone community. company develops -source drone and UAV technologies suitable for various applications.

Romeo Durscher: As DJI's Director of Public Safety Integration, Durscher is on the forefront of drones' roles in emergency response, search and rescue operations, and more. His insights into drones for public safety are invaluable.

Helen Greiner: Co-founder of iRobot and founder of CyPhy Works, Greiner is a robotics and drone industry veteran. She's been influential in drones for defense and security purposes.

Dr. Missy Cummings: One of the Navy's first female fighter pilots and now a professor at Duke University, Cummings researches human-unmanned vehicle interaction, bringing an insightful on integrating drones into the national airspace.

Jonathan Downey: Founder of Airware, a company that provides -to-end drone solutions for commercial sectors. Downey's vision emphasizes the importance of reliable for broad drone deployment.

Dr. Raffaello D'Andrea: A co-founder of Kiva Systems (now Amazon Robotics), D'Andrea's work at ETH Zurich also encompasses the dynamic systems control of drones, leading impressive drone swarming demonstrations and pushing boundaries in drone capabilities.

Colin Guinn: As a partner at Guinn Partners and former CRO at 3D Robotics, Guinn has been a vocal advocate for drone technology, emphasizing its in industries like construction, cinematography, and agriculture.

Dr. Adam Watts: A researcher with the Desert Research Institute, Watts is renowned for his work on using drones for environmental research, from monitoring wildfires to assessing vegetation health.

Iris Automation's : With a focus on collision avoidance systems, this company, founded by Alexander Harmsen and James Howard, is creating technologies to make drones safer and enhance autonomous operations.

Gary Mortimer: Editor of sUAS , the oldest drone news platform, Mortimer keeps his finger on the pulse of all developments in the drone industry, from regulations to new tech innovations.

What is Killer Drones

Killer , also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), are drones that are designed and programmed to use deadly force against humans or other targets without intervention. These drones are equipped with weapons such as missiles or bombs, and they can be programmed to select and attack targets based on predetermined criteria, such as location, movement, or other characteristics.

have been used by military forces in various conflicts around world, and they have been credited with providing a number of benefits, including the ability to strike targets in or hard-to- locations, the ability to gather intelligence, and the ability to reduce the risk to human soldiers. However, killer drones have also been the subject of controversy and criticism due to their potential to cause civilian casualties, their lack of accountability, and their potential to be used unethical or illegal purposes.

There are ongoing debates about the ethics of killer drones and their role in modern warfare. Some argue that killer drones can be a valuable tool for human and that they can be used in a responsible and accountable manner. Others argue that killer drones pose a threat to human rights and international law, and that they should be banned or heavily regulated.

In conclusion, killer drones are a complex and controversial technology that has the potential to revolutionize warfare and security operations, but that also carries significant ethical and legal risks. As with any technology, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks before implementing it, and to ensure that it is used in a responsible and accountable manner.

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