Top 10 AI-driven Content Creation experts to follow

Dr. Fei-Fei Li: Co- of Stanford University's Human-Centered AI Institute, Dr. Li's research revolves around machine learning, , and AI for visual content creation. Her work has implications in sectors from healthcare to .

Janelle Shane: An optical scientist, Shane's blog ‘AI Weirdness' showcases her experiments with neural networks. She's best known for her quirky AI outputs, from naming paint colors to inventing pie recipes. Her exploration underscores both AI's potential and its amusing limitations.

Ross Goodwin: A creative technologist, Goodwin's projects like Sunspring—a short written by an AI—and “1 Road”, an literary narrative, showcase the intersection of artificial intelligence with storytelling.

Samim Winiger: An influential figure in AI creativity, Winiger has worked on AI-generated music videos and other digital art projects. His endeavors highlight the profound impacts of machine learning on the creative industries.

Derrick Schultz: Specializing in AI-generated art, Schultz offers tutorials, tools, and insights into using machine learning models for content creation. His expertise is invaluable for artists entering this evolving domain.

RunwayML Team: The platform RunwayML is pioneering AI-driven content creation tools, and its core team—Cristóbal Valenzuela, Anastasis Germanidis, and Alejandro Matamala—are driving this innovation. Their platform empowers creators with AI tools tailored for various multimedia tasks.

Oscar Sharp: A filmmaker who, along with Ross Goodwin, produced Sunspring, Sharp delves deep into how AI shape and transform narratives in cinema, bringing a fresh perspective to storytelling.

Dr. Parag Havaldar: An Academy Award-winning scientist, Dr. Havaldar's expertise in blending AI with visual effects is profound. He's renowned for his work on facial animations, offering a blend of technology and artistic representation.

Jesper Thøger Christensen: As the CEO of Corti, an AI platform that transcribes and analyzes conversations in -time, Christensen's understanding of AI in the realm of audio content creation and is unparalleled.

Alex Champandard: Co-founder of, a platform using AI to aid designers, Champandard's insights into how artificial intelligence can streamline and augment the design process are groundbreaking.

Top 10 Digital Art Creation and Monetization experts to follow

Beeple (Mike Winkelmann): of the pioneers in the digital art space, Beeple made headlines with his $69 million sale of an NFT art piece on Christie's. His innovative techniques and advocacy the NFT platform have made him a reference point in digital art monetization.

José Delbo: An 87-year-old comic artist, Delbo took the NFT world by storm with his iconic Wonder Woman illustrations and other digital artworks. His journey exemplifies the of traditional art with new-age monetization.

Anna Zhilyaeva: Known for her virtual reality art, Anna has showcased her in events, blending traditional techniques with VR tools like Tilt Brush. She has a profound understanding of digital art creation and its in the market.

Duncan Cock Foster: As a co-founder of Nifty Gateway, Duncan plays a pivotal role in the NFT space, providing a platform for artists to monetize their works. His insights into the NFT market dynamics are invaluable.

Matt Kane: Integrating code into his art, Matt Kane represents a blend of artist and programmer. His piece “Right Place & Right Time” adjusts with Bitcoin's price, showing how art can be dynamic and responsive.

Micol Hebron: A professor and an artist, Micol delves into the digital art landscape, often commenting on inequalities within the space. Her platform ‘Gallery Tally' visualizes gender ratios in top galleries, merging data with art.

Ben Mauro: A concept artist and designer, Mauro's digital creations have been in movies, games, and more. His successful transition to selling art as NFTs provides insights into shifting monetization strategies.

Donnie Dinch: As the founder of Bitski, an NFT storefront platform, Dinch is pushing the boundaries of how digital art is sold and accessed. Bitski's collaborations with brands and artists mark key milestones in mainstream NFT adoption.

Ruth Catlow: Co-founder of Furtherfield and DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab, Ruth explores digital art , communities, and . Her work is instrumental in understanding the decentralized art landscape.

John Watkinson (Pak): A crypto-artist and designer, Pak's enigmatic identity is as discussed as his art. Selling multi-million-dollar artworks on platforms like SuperRare and Nifty Gateway, Pak's approach to value, art, and scarcity is transformative.

Top 10 Content Creation Tools experts to follow

Brian Dean – of Backlinko, Brian is an authority on SEO and content marketing. He often discusses that help in creating SEO-friendly content, optimizing blog posts, and producing rich multimedia content.

Joe Pulizzi – The man behind Content Marketing Institute (CMI), Joe delves into strategies for producing compelling content. He reviews and recommends tools ranging content calendars to analytics that help brands tell their stories more effectively.

Ian Cleary – Ian's platform, RazorSocial, is a hotspot for discovering the latest in content creation tools. He reviews everything, from image editing software to blogging platforms, providing insights on leveraging for brand growth.

Lilach Bullock – A content marketing powerhouse, Lilach's blog is a repository of tools and strategies for content creators. She offers a balance between organic content creation strategies and tools to automate and optimize the content creation process.

Ann Handley – Apart from being a brilliant content strategist, Ann, with MarketingProfs, offers insights into tools that can aid in creating better newsletters, blog posts, and other written content forms.

Bullas – As a top influencer in the content marketing , Jeff's blog touches upon the tools essential for every content creator. Whether it's graphic design tools like Canva or analytics tools like BuzzSumo, he covers the breadth of content creation.

Kevan Lee – As the of marketing at Buffer, Kevan offers insights into social media content creation and scheduling. He often reviews and discusses tools that can make social media content creation a breeze.

Neal Schaffer – A prolific voice in marketing, Neal's expertise lies in maximizing the potential of content through tools. His recommendations encompass a range of tools, from podcasting software to eBook creation platforms.

Sujan Patel – Co-founder of Mailshake and Voila Norbert, Sujan often touches upon tools that facilitate content outreach and personalization. His insights cater to content creators looking to amplify their reach and engagement.

Kristi Hines – A freelance writer and blogger, Kristi's blog is a gold mine for those looking to understand the nuances of content creation tools. She provides in-depth reviews, how-to guides, and practices for tools that aid in writing, graphics, and analytics.

You are enjoying this content on Ian Khan's Blog. Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here