Top 10 Smart Contract Development experts to follow

Nick Szabo: Often considered the father of smart contracts, Szabo coined the term in the 1990s, even before blockchain became a buzzword. He envisioned self-executing contracts and since then contributed immensely to conceptual evolution.

Vitalik Buterin: As the co- of Ethereum, the primary platform for smart contract development, Buterin's contributions foundational. His discussions, articles, and projects provide a deep understanding of the subject.

Gavin Wood: Another key Ethereum co-founder, Wood wrote the platform's yellow paper, which provided the technical specification for its virtual machine, EVM, where smart contracts run. His current work with Polkadot also encompasses smart contract functionalities.

Sergey Nazarov: As the co-founder of Chainlink, Nazarov focuses on creating secure oracle networks to support more complex smart contracts that need external data inputs.

Joseph Lubin: A co-founder of Ethereum and the founder of ConsenSys, Lubin's understanding of Ethereum-based smart contract development and his ventures make him a key player in the smart contract .

Dr. Christian Cachin: A of Computer Science with a focus on blockchain, Cachin's work often dives deep into the security aspects of blockchain and smart contracts, providing valuable insights on their robustness and reliability.

Andrew Miller: A prominent blockchain researcher, Miller's work addresses the security and scalability of blockchain and their corresponding smart contracts, ensuring they are both tamper-proof and efficient.

Dr. Elaine Shi: A Cornell professor and co-founder of IC3 (Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts), Shi's on the security and scalability of blockchain and smart contracts is groundbreaking.

Tim Coulter: As the founder of Truffle Suite, a popular Ethereum development environment, Coulter's tools have become synonymous with smart contract development, providing a platform for developers to build and manage their decentralized applications.

Mariano Conti: A developer at MakerDAO, Conti's insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) and its implementation via smart contracts provide a view into one of the active sectors utilizing smart contract technology.

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