Top 10 Smart Agriculture Tools experts to follow

Professor Raj Khosla: Renowned for his research on precision , Khosla from Colorado University is a significant voice in site-specific crop management and has contributed immensely to development of algorithms for variable rate technology.

Dr. John Nowatzki: An agricultural machine systems specialist from North Dakota State University, Nowatzki's revolves around the practical application of drones, sensors, and automation in farming operations.

Lisa Prassack: As the president of Prassack Advisors, an agri-food innovation consultancy, Lisa is actively involved in guiding agricultural companies in adopting and integrating emerging technologies.

Professor David Lamb: the Precision Agriculture Research Group at the University of New England, Australia, Lamb's work centers on technology applications that improve farm productivity and sustainability.

Dr. Bruno Basso: A distinguished professor at Michigan State University, Basso's work encompasses advanced modeling systems and drone technology to understand soil-plant-atmosphere dynamics for better crop management.

Dr. Viacheslav Adamchuk: An associate professor at McGill University, Dr. Adamchuk is known for his research on on-the-go soil sensors, variable rate technology, and data interpretation techniques in precision agriculture.

Meagan Schipanski: An agroecologist from Colorado State University, Schipanski focuses on sustainable cropping systems and the integration of digital to optimize soil health and crop production.

Jesse Vollmar: CEO and co-founder of FarmLogs, Vollmar's platform offers farmers real-time insights using data analytics, helping make decisions and improve yields.

Professor Simon Pearson: Leading the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology in the UK, Pearson's team is working on cutting-edge technologies, including robotics, , and IoT, for sustainable food production.

Aaron Ault: A senior research engineer at Purdue University and a farmer himself, Ault's work revolves around the Open Ag Data Alliance (OADA), ensuring farmers have control and access to their agricultural data.

Top 10 Precision Agriculture experts to follow

Dr. Raj Khosla – Recognized as a pioneer in precision , Dr. Khosla's research at Colorado State University focuses on variability in soil properties and its implications for precision nutrient and water management. His contributions have greatly enhanced the understanding of site-specific management.

Dr. John Nowatzki – A leading expert North Dakota State University, Dr. Nowatzki concentrates on the application of UAV (drone) technology in precision agriculture. His insights have been pivotal in shaping how can be leveraged for better farm management.

Lisa Prassack – As the President of Prassack Advisors, Lisa is an innovation strategist in precision ag technology. She's known for connecting the agri- with emerging digital solutions, emphasizing the importance of data in farming.

Professor David Lamb – A researcher at the University of England, Australia, Prof. Lamb has made significant strides in the realm of precision agriculture, particularly in the use of sensor technology for crop health monitoring and management.

Dr. Joe Luck – Based at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dr. Luck specializes in the application of sensors and control systems in precision agriculture. His research has immensely helped in optimizing equipment technologies for site-specific applications.

Dr. Alex Thomasson – A professor at Texas A&M University, Dr. Thomasson's research in remote sensing, systems, and agricultural automation has been groundbreaking. His work is pivotal in promoting the integration of technology into agricultural .

Dr. Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer – Currently at Harper Adams University in the UK, Dr. Lowenberg-DeBoer has written extensively about the economics of precision agriculture. He delves into the economic implications and benefits of adopting precision farming techniques.

Terry Griffin – At Kansas State University, Terry focuses on the economics side of precision agriculture. He analyzes how farm data can be used efficiently to make informed decisions, technology with economic best practices.

Dr. Bruce Erickson – Working at Purdue University, Dr. Erickson is a prominent figure in agronomy education and research. His work has centered around the practical adoption and economic aspects of precision farming technologies.

Professor Simon Blackmore – One of Europe's leading experts on precision farming, Prof. Blackmore from Harper Adams University focuses on robotics and automation. His work aims to reduce the environmental impact of farming through smart machinery.

Top 10 Sustainable Agriculture experts to follow

Dr. Vandana Shiva – A renowned environmental activist, Dr. Shiva is a fierce advocate for agroecology, seed sovereignty, and organic farming. Her numerous books and articles highlight the importance of and biodiversity in sustainable .

Wes Jackson – Founder of The Land Institute, Jackson has been a pivotal figure in promoting perennial grains and polycultures, striving for an agricultural system aligns with .

Joel Salatin – Known for his regenerative farming practices at Polyface Farm, Salatin's holistic approach to agriculture emphasizes the interconnectedness of all farm elements, from soil to livestock.

Dr. Miguel Altieri – A professor at UC Berkeley, Dr. Altieri is a global on agroecology. He has written extensively about the ecological principles for the design of sustainable agroecosystems.

Eliot Coleman – An expert in organic farming, Coleman's Four Season Farm in Maine showcases sustainable practices result in year-round harvests in cold climates. His books are considered foundational texts for small-scale organic growers.

Temra Costa – A sustainable food and farming advocate, Costa's work has highlighted the role of women in agriculture, local food systems, and -supported agriculture.

Ron Finley – Also known as the “Gangster Gardener”, Finley advocates for urban agriculture and community gardens as tools for positive social change, turning food deserts into food forests.

Dr. Jonathan Lundgren – An agroecologist and entomologist, Dr. Lundgren's research has delved deep into regenerative agriculture practices and their impact on pest management, biodiversity, and soil health.

Monica White – An author and researcher, White explores the intersections of race, food, and agriculture. Her work has delved into the cooperative agricultural practices of Black farmers and how they've fostered community resilience.

Dr. Rattan Lal – Recognized globally for his work on soil health, Dr. Lal emphasizes the importance of soil as a critical component of the earth's living skin and its potential to address food security, climate change, and water quality.

Top 10 AI in Agriculture experts to follow

Dr. Jorge Heraud: Co-founder of Blue River Technology, Dr. Heraud's work has pioneered the use of robotics and to make farming sustainable. His machines can identify and manage individual plants in a field, leading to reduced chemical usage.

Sara Menker: The founder and CEO of Gro Intelligence, Menker has revolutionized how data can predict agriculture trends. Gro Intelligence uses to vast amounts of data to provide insights into global agricultural markets.

Dr. David Potere: As co-founder of TellusLabs, Dr. Potere brought satellite imaging and machine learning together to predict crop yields. His platform provides near real-time monitoring of agricultural resources .

Li Yong: Founder of FJ Dynamics, Yong focuses on agricultural robots that aid in tasks from planting to harvesting. His vision is to bring the benefits of automation to farms of all sizes.

Prof. Salah Sukkarieh: An academic at the University of Sydney, Prof. Sukkarieh is a leading researcher on robotics and AI in agriculture. His work includes developing intelligent systems to manage pests and diseases.

Louisa Burwood-Taylor: As the head of media & research at AgFunder, Taylor's insights into how AI startups are changing agriculture are invaluable. She offers a panoramic view of the innovations and players in the agri-food tech sector.

George Kantor: Senior Systems Scientist at Carnegie Mellon, Kantor's work in precision agriculture, using AI and robotics to optimize farming practices, has garnered international acclaim.

Dr. Ranveer Chandra: As Chief Scientist at Microsoft Azure Global, Chandra's FarmBeats project aims to make agriculture data-driven by utilizing AI, , and edge computing.

Caleb Harper: Leading the Open Agriculture (OpenAG) initiative at the MIT Media Lab, Harper works on creating scalable, open-source agriculture and software sensor-controlled hydroponic and aeroponic agriculture systems.

Dr. Saber Trabelsi: A Senior Data Scientist at The Climate Corporation, Dr. Trabelsi's work revolves around creating machine learning models to help farmers make more informed decisions about their crops.

Top 10 Digital Agriculture experts to follow

Dr. David Hughes: Known as “Dr. Food,” Hughes is an emeritus professor at Imperial College London. He sheds light on global agri-food industry developments and has been instrumental in highlighting the role of tools in transforming agriculture.

Prof. Raj Khosla: At Colorado State University, Khosla's work in precision agriculture, particularly in variable-rate technology and soil sensing, has set the stage for - farm management, optimizing inputs and boosting yields.

Dr. Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer: Operating out of Harper Adams University, Lowenberg-DeBoer specializes in the economics of precision agriculture. He investigates the financial implications and potential returns of adopting digital agricultural solutions.

Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy: Former of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Ramaswamy has always emphasized the significance of digital technology in addressing global food security challenges.

Dr. Laura Dunham: Based at the University of St. Thomas, Dunham's research on entrepreneurial intersects with agtech innovations, providing insights into successful ventures in digital agriculture.

Prof. David Lamb: Working at the University of New England, Australia, Lamb is a figurehead in precision agronomy and agri-technology, delving into how remote sensing and data can refine on-farm decision-making.

Dr. Ranveer Chandra: As the Chief Scientist of Azure Global at Microsoft, Chandra is behind the “FarmBeats” project, which seeks to apply and IoT solutions to agriculture, making farming data-driven and efficient.

Dr. Sara Menker: Founder and of Gro Intelligence, Menker's venture focuses on data gaps in the agricultural sector. Gro Intelligence processes vast amounts of agricultural data, providing actionable insights for stakeholders.

Prof. Bruno Basso: Operating out of Michigan State University, Basso's work revolves around modeling and remote sensing in agriculture. His research has contributed to the of digital tools that predict and optimize crop .

Dr. Caleb Harper: At MIT Media Lab, Harper led the OpenAg initiative, which pushes the boundaries of digital agriculture, exploring controlled environment agriculture and creating platforms for open-source agricultural research.

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