Join me LIVE on the next episode of the “Future in 60 Minutes” show where we talk about everything Blockchain. From where it began to where its going and everything in between with Dr. Roman Beck, Head of the European Blockchain Center in Copenhagen. As one of the foremost authority in Blockchain globally, Dr. Beck literally has all the answers on Blockchain.
Key topics we will discuss will include Cryptocurrencies, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare, Creative, Logistics, Intellectual property. Have a question ? Ask during the Livestream. Join me Friday, 4th Sep 2020 at 12:00 Noon EST (New York)
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About Roman Beck
Roman Beck is Full Professor within the BusinessIT department at IT University of Copenhagen since 2014. He is Head of the European Blockchain Center.
His current research focuses on the role of changing nature of work due to Blockchain with focus on governance and value creation in decentralized systems. He is interested in institutional logics of organizations, organizational mindfulness, and awareness.
Before joining ITU, Roman has been Assistant Professor and the E-Finance and Service Science Chair at Goethe University in Frankfurt between 2008 and 2013. Roman serves also as Senior Editor for the DATA BASE Journal and as Department Editor for the Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal and Editor for the Journal of Business Economics.