Larry Page is one of the most prominent figures in the tech industry, having co-founded Google alongside Sergey Brin in 1998. As a visionary leader and innovator, Page has shared many inspiring and insightful quotes over the years that reflect his approach to business and his vision for the future. In this article, we’ll take a look at Larry Page’s top 10 quotes.

1. “Always deliver more than expected.” – This quote speaks to Page’s commitment to going above and beyond in all aspects of business and life.

2. “We don’t have as many managers as we should, but we would rather have too few than too many.” – This quote highlights Page’s belief in the importance of empowering employees and reducing bureaucracy.

3. “It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.” – This quote reflects Page’s view that success is about more than just financial gain, and that the quality of leadership and culture is essential.

4. “If you’re not doing some things that are crazy, then you’re doing the wrong things.” – This quote speaks to Page’s emphasis on experimentation and taking risks in order to achieve breakthroughs.

5. “It’s quite complicated and sounds circular, but we’ve worked out a way of calculating a Web site’s importance.” – This quote reflects Page’s early work on the PageRank algorithm, which was crucial to Google’s success.

6. “You never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby.” – This quote speaks to Page’s belief that even when a particular project or idea doesn’t work out, the passion and drive behind it can lead to new and exciting opportunities.

7. “Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting.” – This quote reflects Page’s view that pushing oneself outside of their comfort zone is essential for growth and innovation.

8. “It’s important not to let ourselves be defined by our jobs, but by our passions.” – This quote highlights Page’s belief in the importance of pursuing one’s interests and passions outside of work.

9. “A healthy disregard for the impossible.” – This quote speaks to Page’s willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and pursue seemingly impossible goals.

10. “We are not even close to finishing the basic dream of what the PC can be.” – This quote reflects Page’s optimism and belief in the transformative power of technology.

In conclusion, Larry Page’s top 10 quotes reflect his commitment to innovation, experimentation, and empowerment. As a leader and visionary, Page has played a crucial role in shaping the tech industry as we know it today, and his words and ideas continue to inspire entrepreneurs and innovators around the world. Whether you’re a fan of Google or just curious about the world of tech entrepreneurship, there’s much to be learned from Page’s insights and ideas.

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Ian Khan The Futurist
Ian Khan is a Theoretical Futurist and researcher specializing in emerging technologies. His new book Undisrupted will help you learn more about the next decade of technology development and how to be part of it to gain personal and professional advantage. Pre-Order a copy
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