Welcome to a new episode of the Ian Khan Show. In this special “After Shock” series, I am interviewing with one of the worlds Top 50 futurists.
This week I am speaking to Barry Vacker.
About Barry Vacker
Barry Vacker is a media theorist and mixed-artist whose works span the intersection of art, film, media, science, technology, and philosophy. Author of numerous books and articles, Vacker’s recent books include the third edition of Media Environments (2019) and Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory (2018). Vacker’s art and creative works twice received an international award: the 2010 and 2019 John Culkin Award from the Media Ecology Association. Entitled “Media(s)cene,” Vacker’s recent large-scale art installation was featured during the 2019 Media Ecology Convention at the University of Toronto and he gave a lecture about this art and writings at the 2019 Festival Internacionale de Arte Contemporaneo in Leon, Mexico. Vacker’s TV and radio interviews include talking with Anderson Cooper about the The Matrix and Studio 360/Public Radio International about 2001: A Space Odyssey. Barry is co-founder of the annual Temple-Arcosanti program, where students travel to the eco-city in Arizona to study media, ecology, and technology. He also enjoys teaching large lecture courses with 200+ students, especially Media and Society. Recent books Media Environments (3rd Ed.), Cognella Academic Press 2019. Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory, Co-edited with Angela Cirucci, Lexington Books 2018. Recent articles Barry Vacker, “Naked into the Cosmos: Future Shock in Space,” After Shock: The World’s Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years of Future Shock—And Look Ahead to the Next 50, John Shroeter ed. (Abundant World Institute 2020). Barry Vacker and Erin Espelie, “Black Mirrors, Hot Media, and Spectral Existence,” Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory, Angela Cirucci and Barry Vacker, eds. (Lexington Books 2018). Personal Website https://temple.academia.edu/BarryVacker Awards The 2019 John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in the Field of Media Ecology. Awarded by the Media Ecology Association. Shared with Julia Hildebrand (Eckerd College) for the essay and art project entitled “Hot and Cool in the Media(s)cene.” The 2010 John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in the Field of Media Ecology. Awarded by the Media Ecology Association. For the experimental film Space Times Square, which screened at numerous festivals around the world. #barryvacker#futureshock#abundantworldinstitute @AfterShock2020 #futureshockat50
About After Shock
The world’s foremost futurists reflect on 50 years of Future Shock—and look ahead to the next 50 Contributors include: Alan Kay Aaron Frank Adrienne Mayor Alexander Mankowsky Alexandra Ivanovitch Alisha Bhagat Amy Zalman Anders Sorman-Nilsson Andra Keay Andrew Curry Andy Hines Anita Sengupta Anne Lise Kjaer Aris Persidis Aubrey de Grey Barry O’Reilly Barry Vacker Bill Davidow Bill Diamond Bryan Alexander Byron Reese Carlos Osorio Carver Mead Cat Tully Cindy Frewen Clem Bezold Daniel Burrus Daniel Levine David Brin David Guston David Krakauer David J. Staley David Weinberger Deb Westphal Diane M. Francis Donna Dupont Eleanor “Nell” Watson Eric Daimler Erica Bol Erik Qualman Fotis Sotiropoulos George Gilder Grady Booch Gray Scott Hannes Sjoblad Harish Natarajan Hazel Henderson Helen Messier Ian Khan Ignacio Pena Jack Uldrich James Canton Jane McGonigal Jason Jackson Jason Schenker Jay Gambetta Jeff Eisenach Jeffrey C. Bauer Jerome Glenn Jerry Fishenden Joe Dispenza Joe Tankersley Joel Garreau John L. Petersen John M. Smart John Sack John Sanei John Schroeter Jonathan Venn José Morey Kaitlyn Sadtler Kirk Borne Klee Irwin Kris Østergaard Lisa Bodell Maciej Kranz Martin Guigui Martin Rees Maggie Greyson Michael Tomczyk Michel Laberge Mick Ebeling Moon Ribas Naveen Jain Neil Jacobstein Newt Gingrich Patricia Lustig & Gill Ringland Paul Saffo Paul Stimers Po Bronson & Arvind Gupta Ray Kurzweil Rebecca Costa Richard Browning Richard Slaughter Richard Watson Richard Yonck Rodrigo Nieto Gómez Rohit Bhargava Ross Dawson Ruth Miller Sanjiv Chopra & Pankaj K Vij Sohail Inayatullah Sridhar Mahadevan Stan Rosen Stephanie Mehta Steve Waite Tanya Accone Terrence (Terry) Sejnowski Teun Koetsier Theodore Jay Gordon Thomas Frey Timothy Chou Vikram Mansharamani Wolfgang Fengler Zoltan Istvan
Publication Details
ISBN Print: 978-0-9997364-4-9 ISBN eBook: 978-0-9997364-5-6 Please subscribe to this Channel, Like and Share this video. Follow me on social media
Welcome to a new episode of the Ian Khan Show. In this special “After Shock” series, I am interviewing with one of the worlds Top 50 futurists.
This week I am speaking to Thomas Frey, a globally recognised Futurist, Founder of the Davinci Institute and CSP.
About Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey is currently Google’s top-rated futurist speaker and IBM’s most award-winning engineer. As Founder and Executive Director of DaVinci Institute, Thomas has built an extensive following around the world based on his ability to uncover unique insights into the future, and describe the enormous opportunities that lie ahead. Having started seventeen businesses himself and assisting on the development of hundreds more, the understanding he brings to his audiences is a rare blend of reality-based thinking coupled with a clear-headed visualization of the world to come. Thomas has been featured in thousands of articles for both national and international publications. Each year his talks touch the lives of tens of thousands of people with his unique brand of customized presentations designed specifically around the needs of each and every audience.
You can find out more about Thomas at www.futuristspeaker.com
The world’s foremost futurists reflect on 50 years of Future Shock—and look ahead to the next 50
Contributors include:
Alan Kay Aaron Frank Adrienne Mayor Alexander Mankowsky Alexandra Ivanovitch Alisha Bhagat Amy Zalman Anders Sorman-Nilsson Andra Keay Andrew Curry Andy Hines Anita Sengupta Anne Lise Kjaer Aris Persidis Aubrey de Grey Barry O’Reilly Barry Vacker Bill Davidow Bill Diamond Bryan Alexander Byron Reese Carlos Osorio Carver Mead Cat Tully Cindy Frewen Clem Bezold Daniel Burrus Daniel Levine David Brin David Guston David Krakauer David J. Staley David Weinberger Deb Westphal Diane M. Francis Donna Dupont Eleanor “Nell” Watson Eric Daimler Erica Bol Erik Qualman Fotis Sotiropoulos George Gilder Grady Booch Gray Scott Hannes Sjoblad Harish Natarajan Hazel Henderson Helen Messier Ian Khan Ignacio Pena Jack Uldrich James Canton Jane McGonigal Jason Jackson Jason Schenker Jay Gambetta Jeff Eisenach Jeffrey C. Bauer Jerome Glenn Jerry Fishenden Joe Dispenza Joe Tankersley Joel Garreau John L. Petersen John M. Smart John Sack John Sanei John Schroeter Jonathan Venn José Morey Kaitlyn Sadtler Kirk Borne Klee Irwin Kris Østergaard Lisa Bodell Maciej Kranz Martin Guigui Martin Rees Maggie Greyson Michael Tomczyk Michel Laberge Mick Ebeling Moon Ribas Naveen Jain Neil Jacobstein Newt Gingrich Patricia Lustig & Gill Ringland Paul Saffo Paul Stimers Po Bronson & Arvind Gupta Ray Kurzweil Rebecca Costa Richard Browning Richard Slaughter Richard Watson Richard Yonck Rodrigo Nieto Gómez Rohit Bhargava Ross Dawson Ruth Miller Sanjiv Chopra & Pankaj K Vij Sohail Inayatullah Sridhar Mahadevan Stan Rosen Stephanie Mehta Steve Waite Tanya Accone Terrence (Terry) Sejnowski Teun Koetsier Theodore Jay Gordon Thomas Frey Timothy Chou Vikram Mansharamani Wolfgang Fengler Zoltan Istvan
Publication Details ISBN Print: 978-0-9997364-4-9 ISBN eBook: 978-0-9997364-5-6
Please subscribe to this Channel, Like and Share this video. Follow me on social media
William Mougayar is one of world’s leading authority on Blockchain Technology. I had the opportunity to connect with him recently and bring some of his insights to my listeners through an interview on the Innovation Times podcast.
As a long time industry insider, William Mougayar is a prolific researcher, writer and theorist who has been described as the most sophisticated blockchain business thinker. His views and insights are well respected worldwide.
William is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, working alongside startups, entrepreneurs, pioneers, leaders, innovators, creators, enterprise executives and practitioners; in addition to being an investor, advisor, and Board member in some of the leading organizations in this space.
William is the General Partner at Virtual Capital Ventures, an early stage venture capital fund, and currently on the Board of Directors of OB1, the OpenBazaar open source protocol that is pioneering decentralized peer-to-peer commerce, a Board Advisor to the Ethereum Foundation, a member of OMERS Ventures Board of Advisors, an Advisory Board member to the Coin Center and Bloq, and founder of Startup Management.
Previously, he held senior level positions at Hewlett-Packard, Cognizant and Aberdeen Group, and he founded 3 startups, CYBERManagement, Eqentia, and Engagio.
William is a graduate of the University of Washington, the University of Western Ontario Ivey School of Business, and attended the University of British Columbia Graduate Commerce School.
Twitter: @wmougayar Blog: http://startupmanagement.org/blog/ Book site: http://thebusinessblockchain.com/
I met with Teri Carden, founder of reviewmyams.com and 100Reviews.com at #ASAE2017 . I asked her about her journey of becoming one of the industry’s ONLY software review platforms and helping create transparency, trust and value to the world of associations. Great insights and incredible story of ingenuity, purpose and helping others.
More about Teri at www.reviewmyams.com or on Twitter @TeriTally and @ReviewMyAMS More about Ian Khan at www.iankhan.com
The Innovation Times podcast hosted by Futurist Ian Khan will cover the upcoming #ASAE2017 Annual Conference in Toronto. The podcast is seeking leaders and change makers for limited interview spots during the 3 day event.
About Innovation Times Podcast
The Innovation Times Podcast covers technology, innovation and its impact on industries. Host Ian Khan is a Technology Futurist, Author & 3 Times TEDxSpeaker and is passionate about creating value for communities that want to learn key leadership lessons from industry movers and shakers. The interviews provide key insights about how technology is reshaping industry and paving way for value creation.
Interview Opportunity
Ian Khan will be conducting interviews with leaders, movers and shakers attending the conference during all three days. Interview slots are being filled on a first come first serve basis.
How to Book Your Interview
Please fill the form below to book your interview.
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Ian Khan, AI Futurist and technology Expert, has been featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg, Forbes, Fast Company and many other global platforms. Ian is the author of the upcoming AI book "Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering," an explainer to how to get started with GenerativeAI Platforms, including ChatGPT and use them in your business. One of the most prominent Artificial Intelligence and emerging technology educators today, Ian, is on a mission of helping understand how to lead in the era of AI. Khan works with Top Tier organizations, associations, governments, think tanks and private and public sector entities to help with future leadership. Ian also created the Future Readiness Score, a KPI that is used to measure how future-ready your organization is. Subscribe to Ians Top Trends Newsletter Here